80 results - Apartment for rent in Region Locarno

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CHF 2,500.– / month
5.5 rooms 124m² living space
Via Pianella 17, 6596 Gordola

Wunderschöne 5.5-Zimmer Wohnung in Zweifamilienhaus

Wunderschöne 5.5-Zimmer Wohnung in Zweifamilienhaus mit eigenem Eintritt und wunderbarem Panoramasicht auf den Maggioresee und auf den Bergen. Ruhige Lage an wenigen Minuten von Geschäften und Infrastrukturen. Die Wohnung wurde komplett renoviert und verfügt über helle Räume. Wohnzimmer, moderne Küche mi dunkler Granitabdeckung und aktuelle Geräte (Backofen, Glaskeramik, Geschirrspüler, Kühlschrank mit separatem Tiefkühler), WC-Raum, Dusche mit Doppellavabo und 2 Schlafzimmern. Korridor mit Einbauschrank und Balkon, dass der ganzen Wohnung lang geht. Die Wohnung wurde mit viel Liebe zum Detail renoviert und die Räume verfügen über GigaLan und Satellitenanschluss. Dazu kommt auch eine grosse eigene Wäscherei/Keller und Parkplatz. Bellissimo appartamento di 5.5 locali in casa bifamiliare con ingresso indipendente e meraviglioso panorama sul lago maggiore e sulle montagne. La zona è tranquilla e allo stesso tempo a pochi minuti da negozi e infrastrutture. L'appartamento è completamente ristrutturato e dispone di locali chiari e luminosi. Soggiorno, cucina moderna con piano in granito nero ed elettrodomestici di ultima generazione (forno, vetroceramica, lavastoviglie, frigo con congelatore separato), locale WC separato dal locale doccia e due camere da letto. Corridoio con armadio a muro e balcone della lunghezza dell'appartamento. Le rifiniture sono di pregio e i locali dispongono di GigaLan e allacciamento a impianto satellitare. L'appartamento ha inoltre a disposizione una grande lavanderia/cantina indipendente e parcheggio.

CHF 2,900.– / month
5 rooms
Via Brione 83, 6648 Minusio

Neu renovierte 4.5 Zimmerwohnung

NEW 4.5 appartamento ristrutturato con 5 camereAffittiamo spazioso appartamento e soleggiata. L'appartamento è molto luminoso.A piedi si raggiunge la una fermata del bus (1 min.).Lo troverete come segue:- soggiorno con pavimento in piastrelle, caminetto, - tre camere con parquet- cucina luminosa completamente accessoriata- servizio con vasca- servizio con doccia- terrazza soleggiata- riscaldamento a pavimento- impianto fotovoltaico- balcone con vista lagoPosteggi privato ed esterni a disposizione! L'appartamento è disponibile da subito.***NEW renovierte 4.5 Zimmerwohnung mit drei SchlafzimmernTraumhafte Seesicht auf den Lago Maggiore- Drei Schlafzimmer mit Eichenholzparkett- Grosser Wohnraum mit Cheminée- Helle Küche- Neues Badezimmer / WC- Dusche / WCBodenheizungNeue PhotovoltaikanlageWasseraufbereitung solar unterstütztBalkon mit Seesicht auf den Lago MaggioreTerrasse mit Seesicht auf den Lago Maggiore- Waschturm mit Waschmaschine und Tumbler in der Wohnungprivater Parkplatz vorhanden***freshly renovated and restored 5-bedroom apartmentFantastic view on the Lago Maggiore- 5 bedrooms with oak parquet flooring- Spacious living room with fire place- Light color kitchen- New bathroom with tub and toilet- Bathroom with shower and toiletBalcony with awesome view on the lake Lago MaggioreTerrace with view on the lake Lago Maggiore- High quality washing tower with washing machine and tumbler in the apartmentprivate open parking space

CHF 2,840.– / month
5.5 rooms 170m² living space
via simone da locarno 1, 6600 Locarno

Appartamento fronte lago 5.5 locali

ITALIANO:Appartamento alto standing:Locali: 5.5 al 1° pianoSuperficie abitabile: 170 m² di cui 30 m² di terrazzaAnno di costruzione: 2011Disponibile: da subitoA Locarno, in pieno centro a 2 passi da Piazza Grande, si affitta alla Residenza Vivian appartamento di alto livello, nuovo, molto luminoso. Appartamento di 5.5 spaziosa terrazza, due camere, due bagni, uno con vasca e uno con doccia. Cucina openspace con ripostiglio annesso per colonna lavasciuga.L'appartamento fronte lago gode della magnifica ed incantevole vista panoramica sul lago Maggiore, circondato dalla favolosa cornice naturistica delle Alpi Svizzere.Riscaldamento a pavimento e grazie al sistema di raffreddamento ecologico ad acqua fredda con serpentine mantiene una gradevole temperatura fresca anche nei caldi giorni estivi.Possibilità di parcheggio nel garage coperto dello stabile. Tranquillità, ordine e riservatezza nella palazzina, garantite da una costante presenza dell'amministrazione e del suo staff.Per qualsiasi informazione contattateci:Residenza Vivian, tel: 091 743 08 17 dalle 8.30 alle 11.30 e al pomeriggio su appuntamento, o visitare la nostra pagina web con foto e info.Appartamepto 2,5 locali 2° piano 1240.- + 120.-/150.- speseDEUTSCHZimmer: 5.5 1° StockBewohnbare Oberfläche: 170 m² davon 30 m² TerrasseBaujahr: 2011Verfügbar: ab sofortIn Locarno sehr zentral gelegen, nur wenige Gehminuten von der Piazza Grande, 5 Minuten von Bahnhof und Lido entfernt, vermieten wir in der Vivian Residenz neue und sehr helle Wohnung mit hohem Niveau.5.5-Zimmer-Wohnung mit Blick auf den See, zwei Schlafzimmer, große Terrasse auf der See Seite, Zwei Bäder, eins mit Badewanne, eines mit Dusche. Offene Küche. Kleiner Raum für die Waschmaschine und Trockner.Die Wohnung verfügt über eine bezaubernde See Sicht mit panoramablick von dem Lago Maggiore bis piano di Magadino.Wohnung mit Bodenheizung und dank eins ökologischen kühlen Systems mit kaltem Wasser geniesst man auch im Sommer über einen frischen Boden.Parkplätze stehen in der Garage zur Verfügung. Ordnung und Diskretion im Haus sind garantiert durch einen konstanten Präsenz der Administration und deren Angestellten.Führ Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte:Residenza Vivian, tel: 091 743 08 17 von 8.30 bis 11.30 und Nachmittags mit Verabredung.Wohnung 2,5 lokal 2° Stock 1240.- + 150.- Nebenkosten

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Additional information


Over the last 3 years, the District of Locarno has seen its population grow by 0.85%, to 64,371.


The average annual income level is CHF 63,400. A total of 15.84% of the population have a university degree, 12.75% have completed higher vocational education, 47.50% of the population have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 23.91% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling. According to the data, this region has high social standards and an educated population. The current unemployment rate is 1.10%.


Overall, the tax percentage in the area is 11.91%. The individual proportion of tax actually paid will vary and depends on factors including actual income, marital status, the overall level of deductions and the like. On average, a retired couple pays 15.98% and a married couple without children pays 10.38%. Married couples with two children pay an average of 6.66% and the tax rate for a single person with no children is 17.38%.

Summary of the property market

New builds

New living space has been created in the District of Locarno over the past 5 years; 2,454 new apartments were constructed, for instance. Of these newly built apartments, 98 are 1-room apartments, which are perfect for singles. Along with the existing apartments, 852 new 2-room apartments have been constructed. A total of 774 new 3-room apartments and 556 4-room apartments were built. Furthermore, the number of spacious apartments on offer amounts to 126 5-room apartments and 48 apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Housing stock

New construction has further expanded the supply of housing in the region; there are now a total of 59,966 apartments in the District of Locarno. The number of 1-room apartments totals 4,120. Additionally, there are 13,058 apartments with 2 rooms, 19,611 apartments with 3 rooms and 15,325 4-room apartments. Overall, there are 5,059 5-room apartments and 2,793 large apartments with 6 or more rooms.

Empty apartments

1.28% of the total housing stock in the District of Locarno is unoccupied. This means that 1.77% of the 1-room apartments, 1.14% of apartments with 2 rooms, 1.24% of the apartments with 3 rooms, 1.26% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 1.44% of the 5-room apartments are presently empty. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 1.38%; 1.27% of those vacant properties are apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing market (letting only)

Rents for rental properties are, on average, about CHF 1,390 per month. In terms of the rents on the market, a quarter of them are equal to or less than a monthly rent of CHF 1,150. Monthly rents are less than CHF 1,635 (75th percentile), or they are equivalent to this average price.