186 results - Apartment for rent in Region See-Gaster

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CHF 2,230.– / month
1.5 rooms 24m² living space
Rickenstrasse 93, 8646 Wagen

Helle, gemütliche 1.5 Zimmerwohnung an ruhiger Lage

Per sofort oder nach Vereinbahrung wird an der Rickenstrasse 93 in Wagen eine helle, gemütliche 1.5 Zimmerwohnung frei. Wagen gehört zu Rapperswil - Jona und ist daher nach dem Steuerfuss die 2. günstigste Gemeinde im Kt. St.Gallen! Die Wohnung ist Ländlich gelegen mit nahem Anschluss an die Busverbindung und Dorfladen. Sie befindet sich im 3 Stock. Zur Wohnung gehört ein Kellerabteil und ein Estrich welcher direkt von der Wohnung aus zugänglich ist und nochmals die selbe Grundfläche aufweist wie die Wohnfläche. 1 kleiner Balkon direkt bei der Küche 1 grosser Balkon vom Wohn- und Schlafzimmer aus begehbar. Wohnzimmer mit Cheminée. Alle Zimmer ausser Gang und Wohnzimmer haben Plättli-Böden. Küche mit Geschirrspühler, Neuem Kühlschrank, Glaskeramikherd, Backofen. Die Küche ist nicht wie auf dem Grundrissplan eingezeichnet separat abgetrennt. Die Trennwand wurde herausgerissen und man hat nun viel mehr Platz zum Kochen :-) Waschraum mit Tumbler und Waschmaschine direkt in der Wohnung. Gäste WC mit Dusche und Lavabo Privat WC mit Badewanne und Lavabo nur via Schlafzimmer erreichbar. Zusätzlich 2 Zimmer mit je 10.10 m2 , Fenster (keine Fotos vorhanden) Tiefgaragenplatz für Fr. 120.- und Aussenabstellplatz für Fr. 60.- kann dazugemietet werden. Die Gegend rund ums Haus ist wunderschön zum Joggen oder sich sonstwie Sportlich zu betätigen. Natur pur,.. Besichtigungstermin : Bitte rufen Sie mich unter der Nummer 079 463 75 86 an. Ich bin grundsätzlich ganztags erreichbar.

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Additional information


The population of the Constituency See-Gaster is currently 70,554, which is a population increase of 4.28% in the last 3 years.

Population data

On average, residents earn CHF 76,570 per year. Of the population, 13.02% have a university degree, 17.31% have completed higher vocational education, 47.97% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 21.70% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling. The area is prestigious thanks to its high social standards and educated population. 0.54% of the population is presently unemployed.


11.65% is the tax burden in the region. However, the individual amount of tax paid varies from person to person and is determined by income, marital status and the total amount of deductions, among other factors. On average, a retired couple pays 14.69% and a childless, married couple pays 10.88%. Married couples with two children pay an average of 7.54% and the rate of taxation for a single person with no children is 16.25%.

The property market in general

New builds

Within the past 5 years, the number of newly built apartments in the Constituency See-Gaster has grown steadily. A total of 2,352 new apartments have been constructed. Of these new builds, 33 are 1-room apartments, which are particularly suitable for singles. There are also 420 new 2-room apartments. A total of 731 new 3-room apartments and 719 4-room apartments were built. In addition, there are 343 5-room apartments and 106 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms to choose from.

Housing stock

Thanks to the newly built dwellings, the housing stock in the Constituency See-Gaster has expanded and there are now a total of 35,294 apartments. The number of 1-room apartments in the total housing stock is 1,193. Additionally, there are 4,027 apartments with 2 rooms, 7,866 apartments with 3 rooms and 10,696 apartments with 4 rooms. Finally, the supply of 5-room properties comprises 6,834 apartments, and there are also 4,678 large apartments with 6 rooms or more.

Empty apartments

In the Constituency See-Gaster, 1.28% of apartments are uninhabited. This means that 1.93% of the 1-room apartments, 1.64% of the apartments with 2 rooms, 1.58% of apartments with 3 rooms, 1.18% of all 4-room apartments and 1.09% of the 5-room apartments are currently vacant. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 0.98%; 0.81% of those empty properties are apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing market (letting only)

Rent prices for rental properties are, on average, about CHF 1,630 per month. 25% of the rents on offer are lower than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 1,360 (25th percentile). The 75th percentile of monthly rents is CHF 1,970.