4 results - Apartment for rent in Bollingen

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Rapperswil-Jona has recorded population growth of 3.57%, to 28,252 inhabitants, over the last 3 years.

Population statistics

On average, people earn CHF 85,635 per year. 44.09% of the population have an SEK II qualification, and 17.76% have a higher vocational training qualification. 18.67% are university graduates and 19.48% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory education. Consequently, the residential area has high social standards. The unemployment rate currently stands at 0.59%.


Overall, the rate of taxation in the region is 10.05%. The individual proportion of tax actually paid varies and depends on factors such as current income, marital status, the overall level of deductions and the like. The tax percentage for a childless, unmarried person in Rapperswil-Jona is 14.04%. A retired couple (over 65) pays an average of 12.75%, a couple with two children 6.43% and a couple with no children 9.33%.

The property market overall

New buildings

The housing available in Rapperswil-Jona has grown by 792 apartments in the past 5 years. Of these new apartments, a total of 7 apartments have exactly one room to live in. In addition to the existing apartments, 156 new 2-room apartments have been constructed. 262 3-room apartments and 248 apartments with 4 rooms were additionally built. 89 apartments with 5 rooms and 30 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms have been added to the local housing stock.

Housing stock

Thanks to new construction, the amount of housing available in Rapperswil-Jona has increased, and there are now a total of 14,243 apartments. The number of 1-room apartments is 622. Additionally, there are 1,672 apartments with 2 rooms, 3,638 apartments with 3 rooms and 4,847 apartments with 4 rooms. Overall, there are 2,319 5-room apartments and 1,145 large apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Vacant apartments

The rate of empty apartments in Rapperswil-Jona is 1.93%. Consequently, 2.09% of the 1-room apartments, 2.33% of the apartments with 2 rooms, 2.17% of apartments with 3 rooms, 1.59% of 4-room apartments and 1.98% of apartments with 5 rooms are presently unoccupied. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 1.93%; 1.83% of those unoccupied properties are apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing market (rental only)

Rental properties are available at an average rent of CHF 1,706 per month. A quarter of rents are cheaper than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,450 (25th percentile). The 75th percentile of monthly rents is CHF 2,067.