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56,643 people live in the District of Schaffhausen – an increase of 3.37% in the past 3 years.

Population data

On average, residents earn CHF 69,220 per year. 16.04% of the population have a university degree, 15.34% have a higher vocational education qualification, 47.42% of the population have a school-leaving certificate or have completed a vocational apprenticeship, 21.21% of residents have completed compulsory schooling and 0.00% of the population did not indicate their highest educational qualification. The area is highly regarded due to its high social standards and educated population. Approximately 1.46% of the population is currently unemployed.


The overall rate of taxation is 10.88%. This varies from person to person and is determined by income, marital status and the total amount of deductions, among other factors. The tax burden for a childless, single person is 15.35%. On average, a married couple on a pension (over 65) pays 14.05%, a married couple with two children 6.80% and a childless couple 10.11%.

Summary of the property market

New builds

The quantity of newly constructed apartments in the District of Schaffhausen has been rising consistently for 5 years. A total of 1,319 new apartments were created. Of these newly constructed apartments, 59 are 1-room apartments, which are perfect for people living alone. 347 of the new apartments are also 2-room apartments. Living space for families has also been built: For example, 445 apartments with 3 rooms and 315 4-room apartments were added to the pool of housing available locally. There are also 105 5-room apartments and 48 apartments with at least 6 rooms available.

Housing stock

The newly built dwellings have contributed to the ongoing growth of the pool of housing available in the region; there are now 30,312 apartments in the District of Schaffhausen. One-room properties make up a total of 1,202 apartments in the region. In addition, there are 3,877 apartments with 2 rooms, 8,988 apartments with 3 rooms and 9,316 apartments with a full 4 rooms. Finally, 4,375 5-room apartments and 2,554 spacious apartments with 6 or more rooms are available on the market.

Empty apartments

The vacancy rate in the District of Schaffhausen is 0.82%. Of this number, 1.33% of 1-room apartments, 0.75% of apartments with 2 rooms, 1.00% of the 3-room apartments, 0.74% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 0.55% of apartments with 5 rooms are currently uninhabited. The vacancy rate is 0.64% for apartments with more than 5 rooms and 0.78% for apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Housing market (rental only)

Rents for rental properties are, on average, around CHF 1,346 per month. A quarter of rents are cheaper than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,141 (25th percentile). Additionally, 75% of all monthly rents are lower than or equal to CHF 1,610.