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CHF 2,800.– / month
5.5 rooms 140m² living space
Hauptstrasse 2, 8217 Wilchingen

Wohnen & Leben im Mehrfamilienhaus "oberdorf" in Wilchingen

Wilchingen ist ein Vorzeigebeispiel für die Verbindung von Traditionen mit einem modernen und intakten Leben auf dem Land, sowie für einen nahtlosen Übergang vom landwirtschaftlich genutzten Weinbaugebiet in die geschützten Landschaften von nationaler Bedeutung im Osterfinge- und Wangental. Wilchingen ist sehr gut an den öffentlichen Verkehr angebunden. Die Zuglinie von Schaffhausen nach Wilchingen verkehrt im 30 Minutentakt und endet in Erzingen. Darauf abgestimmt sind die Busverbindungen vom Bahnhof Wilchingen-Hallau ins Dorfzentrum.Das Mehrfamilienhaus Oberdorf steht im ruhigen und idyllischen Dorfzentrum von Wilchingen. Die drei neu entstandenen Wohneinheiten sind in Ihrem Angebot vielseitig und bieten vom barrierefreien Wohnen bis zur Maisonette Wohnung verschiedene Wohnsituationen. Das Mehrfamilienhaus Oberdorf verbindet das Wesen des alten Dorfkerns mit lokalen und hochwertigen Materialien. Das Dorfzentrum mit Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Bank und Bushaltestelle ist zu Fuss und ohne Höhenunterschied in 5 Minuten erreichbar.- Die Heizung und Warmwasser wird nachhaltig ab der Gemeindeeigenen Fernheizung bezogen. - Die Wohnung verfügt über ein Reduit mit integrierter Waschmaschine und Tumbler.- Die Nasszellen sind mit keramischen Bodenbelägen, die übrigen Bereiche mit Echtholzparkett ausgestattet.- Anschlüsse für TV / Internet & Telefon von Sasag und Swisscom.Garage zzgl. 125.- / MtParkplatz zzgl. 40.-/Mt

Additional information


Beringen has grown by 4.63% over the last 3 years, to 5,153 inhabitants.

Population statistics

Average income is CHF 68,890. Of the population, 11.09% have a university degree, 16.58% have completed higher vocational training, 54.62% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship), 17.72% are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling and 0.03% of the population offered no information on their highest level of education. Consequently, the region has high social standards. The unemployment rate is 1.22%.


10.9% is the tax percentage in the region. However, the individual amount of tax paid varies from person to person and depends on income, marital status and the amount of deductions, among other factors. Retired, married couples (over 65) pay an average of 14.08% tax in Beringen, married couples with two children 6.81% and married couples without children 10.13%. The tax burden for an unmarried person without children is 15.38%.

The overall property market

New construction

With a total of 161 apartments, additional housing has been built in Beringen in the past 5 years. Of these new builds, 15 are 1-room apartments, which are particularly suitable for singles. The total number of newly constructed 2-room apartments is 30. With 46 new 3-room apartments and 39 4-room apartments, the area is perfect for families. The new-build accommodation includes 17 5-room apartments and 14 apartments with 6 or more rooms.

Housing stock

The new buildings have contributed to a further expansion of the housing supply, and there are now 2,450 apartments in Beringen. One-room properties account for a total of 63 apartments in the area. There are also 277 apartments with 2 rooms, 507 apartments with 3 rooms and 754 apartments with 4 rooms. Finally, 508 5-room apartments and 341 spacious apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms are available in the area.

Empty apartments

The rate of unoccupied apartments in Beringen is 1.02%. Of this figure, 3.17% of 1-room apartments, 0.72% of all apartments with 2 rooms, 1.58% of 3-room apartments, 0% of 4-room apartments, 0.98% of 5-room apartments, and 2.35% of those vacant properties are apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

Rental properties are offered at an average rent of CHF 1,560 per month. In terms of the available rents, a quarter of them are equal to or cheaper than a monthly rent of CHF 1,320. 75% of monthly rents are less than CHF 1,820 (75th percentile), or they are equivalent to this average price.