153 results - Apartment for rent in Region Pfäffikon

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CHF 630.– / month
2 rooms 132m² living space
Obermoosstrasse 1, 8332 Russikon

Strohmann ist ein sehr kurzer Titel der hiermit unnötig in die Länge gezogen wird damit ich sehe wie

Հայերեն Shqip ‫العربية‫العربية Български Català Hrvatski Česky Dansk Nederlands English Eesti Suomi Français ქართული Deutsch Ελληνικά ‫עברית‫עברית Magyar Indonesia Italiano Latviski Lietuviškai македонски Melayu Norsk Polski Português Româna Pyccкий Српски Slovenčina Slovenščina Español Svenska ไทย Türkçe Українська Tiếng Việt "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..." "Il n’y a personne qui n’aime la souffrance pour elle-même, qui ne la recherche et qui ne la veuille pour elle-même…" Lipsum Lipsum Lipsum Lipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pulvinar lectus vitae enim luctus, a tristique purus auctor. Morbi laoreet consectetur mauris, quis aliquet mi convallis ut. Duis porttitor mollis mauris, ac luctus odio pharetra quis. Mauris venenatis condimentum tellus at aliquam. Proin feugiat ac tortor ac ornare. Vestibulum sit amet dui at dolor commodo sodales vel vitae metus. Aenean arcu nunc, ultricies in magna et, faucibus mattis mi. Pellentesque interdum, mi sit amet finibus pharetra, velit nisi sodales massa, eu rhoncus sapien nunc quis leo. Donec vel dui sed mi rutrum consectetur eu et mi. Vestibulum tristique elementum ante, id varius turpis molestie et. Praesent condimentum mauris est, non maximus arcu elementum vitae. Vestibulum est elit, facilisis eu leo dignissim, tristique iaculis magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut dictum velit hendrerit, dapibus ipsum nec, consectetur purus. Nulla scelerisque convallis metus vel gravida. Nullam id dictum neque. Nam pharetra orci finibus nunc condimentum imperdiet. Integer ante nisl, euismod nec ante vitae, interdum porttitor metus. Pellentesque vitae porttitor mauris, pellentesque volutpat ligula. Cras nec magna vel nibh venenatis vulputate nec non orci. Phasellus iaculis lorem ac nisl auctor imperdiet. Mauris non consectetur ipsum, sit amet luctus justo. Praesent sed eros vel orci interdum commodo. Nullam at mattis risus, in tempor nisi. Sed porta et dolor ut eleifend. Aliquam euismod vitae ipsum a tristique. Mauris hendrerit scelerisque nibh sit amet rutrum. Sed consectetur cursus eros cursus auctor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed congue, tellus et consequat malesuada, velit sem elementum lectus, non accumsan purus magna et sem. Nulla vehicula sagittis mollis. Duis tempor sem lacus, quis fringilla nunc auctor vel. Quisque ac tortor ornare, porta nibh ut, vulputate nibh. In tempor quam sed faucibus consequat. Nullam venenatis et dolor eget molestie. Integer vehicula tempus faucibus. Phasellus lacinia at ante a laoreet. Nunc lectus lacus, malesuada ut ligula vitae, gravida dictum ex. Nam pellentesque felis massa, quis vestibulum velit feugiat sed. In tristique magna non augue imperdiet ultrices. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam sed leo cursus, auctor elit vel, molestie arcu. Vivamus porttitor, massa a facilisis commodo, turpis massa tempus lectus, at scelerisque lectus nibh id est. Curabitur rutrum dolor in felis tempus eleifend. Nullam consectetur porttitor orci, a consequat leo tincidunt et. Sed condimentum purus neque, in consectetur nunc lacinia vitae. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec viverra odio, luctus egestas eros. Vivamus ac nisi finibus, vehicula lacus nec, aliquam mauris. Nunc quis lobortis ante, eget vulputate mauris. Nullam gravida ac justo eget vestibulum. Aenean porta lacinia dictum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec rhoncus, lorem in congue hendrerit, augue arcu pulvinar ante, sed tempus mi justo at lacus. Donec gravida consequat felis id rutrum. Quisque vitae accumsan sem, sit amet lacinia purus. 5 paragraphes, 475 mots, 3299 caractères de Lorem Ipsum généré

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Additional information


Over the past 3 years, the population of the popular District of Pfäffikon has increased by 2.16%, to 62,156.

Demographic data

On average, people earn CHF 79,670 per year. 46.66% of the population have an SEK II qualification, and 19.38% have a higher vocational training qualification. 15.60% are university graduates and 18.37% of residents are currently in compulsory education. Consequently, this residential area has high social standards and an educated population. Around 0.78% of the population is presently unemployed.


10.85% is the tax burden in the region. However, the individual amount of tax paid differs from person to person and is based on income, marital status and the amount of deductions, among other factors. The rate of taxation for an unmarried person with no children is 15.19%. On average, a retired couple (over 65) pays 14.14%, a married couple with two children 6.72% and a couple without children 9.86%.

The property market overall

New buildings

Additional housing has been created in the District of Pfäffikon within the last 5 years; 1,235 new apartments were constructed, for example. One-room apartments comprise 29 of the new builds – perfect for singles. There are also 255 new 2-room apartments. 387 apartments with 3 rooms and 336 4-room apartments were also added. Investments were also made in larger accommodation: 135 5-room apartments were built, providing lots of room for families; 93 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms were also constructed.

Housing stock

The newly built dwellings have contributed to the ongoing growth of the local housing supply; there are now 29,245 apartments in the District of Pfäffikon. One-room properties account for a total of 1,045 apartments in the region. Additionally, there are 3,265 apartments with 2 rooms, 7,008 apartments with 3 rooms and 8,981 apartments with 4 rooms. A total of 5,525 5-room apartments and 3,421 spacious apartments with 6 or more rooms are also available in the region.

Empty apartments

0.9% of apartments in the District of Pfäffikon are unoccupied. Of this total, 0.87% of 1-room apartments, 1.29% of apartments with 2 rooms, 1.23% of apartments with 3 rooms, 0.73% of apartments with 4 rooms and 0.56% of 5-room apartments are uninhabited. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 0.66%; of that number, 0.82% are apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (letting only)

The average cost for rental properties is CHF 1,740 per month. 25% of the rents on offer are less than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 1,483 (25th percentile). In addition, 75% of all monthly rents are cheaper than or equivalent to CHF 2,100.