120 results - Apartment for rent in Region Bellinzona

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CHF 1,870.– / month
4.5 rooms
Piazza del Sole 5, 6500 Bellinzona

Residenza Sole

In pieno centro di Bellinzona, presso la nuova Residenza Sole, proponiamo un appartamento 3 1/2 locali attico mansardato, composto da luminosa sala-soggiorno con cucina completamente arredata e accessoriata, due camere e stanza da bagno (con doccia). Lo stabile e stato completamente riammodernato privilegiando le moderne tecniche di isolazione e risparmio energetico. Gli appartamenti sono completamente ristrutturati con materiali e finiture di pregio, travi a vista e molto luminosi. Situato in posizione strategica, a due passi da tutti i servizi e i mezzi di trasporto (a due minuti a piedi dalla nuova stazione ferroviaria). Lavasciuga individuale e cantina a disposizione. Possibilita di parcheggio su richiesta e secondo disponibilita. Bellinzona sta vivendo uno sviluppo inatteso e si sta trasformando in una citta attraente in grado di offrire un elevata qualita di vita grazie anche all'arrivo di Alptransit a fine 2016. In posizione eccellente, in pieno centro storico e a soli 5 minuti a piedi dalla stazione, sorge la Residenza Sole, complesso amministrativo e abitativo risalente a inizio secolo e restaurato con cura e attenzione. La Residenza Sole rispetta l ambiente. E stata data particolare attenzione al risparmio energetico attraverso un accurato risanamento energetico, la fornitura di energie attraverso il teleriscaldamento (TERIS) e la probabile dotazione in futuro di pannelli fotovoltaici. All interno dell'edificio di 5 piani sono disponibili 4 moderni e eleganti appartamenti mansardati e all ultimo piano in affitto: un 1.5, due 4.5 e un 4.5 locali.

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Additional information


57,005 people currently live in the Distretto di Bellinzona – an increase of 2.24% in the last 3 years.

Demographic data

The average income level is CHF 66,390. 15.73% of residents hold a university degree, 11.25% have completed higher vocational education and 47.40% have an SEK II qualification. In addition, 25.61% of residents are currently in school. Consequently, the region has high social standards. The current unemployment rate is 1.42%.


Overall, the tax percentage in the area is 11.95%. The individual proportion of tax actually paid varies and is based on aspects including specific income, marital status, the amount of deductions and so on. The rate of taxation for a childless, single person in the Distretto di Bellinzona is 17.43%. On average, a retired couple (over 65) pays 16.03% tax, a married couple with two children 6.69% and a childless couple 10.41%.

Summary of the property market

New buildings

The housing market in the Distretto di Bellinzona has shown positive growth over the past 5 years. A total of 2,561 apartments have been constructed. Of these newly constructed apartments, 85 are 1-room apartments, which are perfect for people living alone. A total of 957 new 2-room apartments have also been created. Additionally, 837 3-room apartments and 500 4-room apartments have been added to the local housing stock in recent years. Additionally, there are 133 5-room apartments and 49 apartments with at least 6 rooms to choose from.

Housing stock

Thanks to the new builds, the supply of housing in the Distretto di Bellinzona has expanded and there are now a total of 33,563 apartments. The overall number of 1-room apartments is 1,196. In addition, there are 5,752 apartments with 2 rooms, 10,053 apartments with 3 rooms and 11,648 4-room apartments. Finally, 3,219 5-room apartments and 1,695 spacious apartments with at least 6 rooms are available in the region.

Empty apartments

The vacancy rate for apartments in the Distretto di Bellinzona is 2.47%. Of this number, 4.94% of 1-room apartments, 2.81% of apartments with 2 rooms, 3.38% of apartments with 3 rooms, 1.82% of apartments with 4 rooms and 1.17% of apartments with 5 rooms are presently vacant. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 1.16%; of that total, 1.14% are apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (letting only)

The average rent for a flat in the region is CHF 1,350. A quarter of all available rents are less than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,170 (25th percentile). Additionally, 75% of all monthly rents are cheaper than or equal to CHF 1,550.