Key aspects of tenancy law

Notice of termination by the landlord

Notice of termination by the landlord

To serve notice of termination, the landlord must use a form approved by the canton. Read more on!

Wear and tear

Wear and tear

Whether it's carpeting, wallpaper, toilets, etc., here's a fact: there's a specified service life for everything in the apartment. Read more on!

Minor repairs

Minor repairs

By law and according to the rental contract, the tenant is responsible for «minor repairs». These include improvements required for normal maintenance.

Utility bills: do I have to pay extra?

Utility bills: do I have to pay extra?

Every year, utility bills flutter through letterboxes, causing consternation left, right and centre. In this article, we reveal how tenants can check whether their utility bill is correct and whether it is legal for landlords to request additional payments.

Utility costs for apartments: five things you should know

Utility costs for apartments: five things you should know

Every tenant will be familiar with utility costs. Management companies usually send out utility bills in autumn each year, invariably prompting lots of head-scratching among tenants. Here’s everything you need to know.

House rules: What do tenants need to bear in mind?

House rules: What do tenants need to bear in mind?

House rules govern interaction between the tenants living in a property and form part of the rental agreement. However, house rules often include stipulations that seem somewhat outdated today. In this post, we explain your rights and obligations when it comes to house rules and the best way to handle any conflicts that arise with your neighbours.

Trouble with your landlord: what are your rights?

Trouble with your landlord: what are your rights?

Trouble with your landlord can be unpleasant, so knowing your rights and having some strategies up your sleeve for resolving problems with the homeowner can prove essential.