Key aspects of tenancy law

Autumn foliage and leaf blowers – what’s the best way of dealing with them?

Autumn foliage and leaf blowers – what’s the best way of dealing with them?

Who’s to blame if the postie slips over? And when on earth is your neighbour going to give it a rest with all that leaf blowing?

Night-time noise restrictions in Switzerland – what’s allowed and what’s not

Night-time noise restrictions in Switzerland – what’s allowed and what’s not

There are few things more irritating than being woken by noisy neighbours. But how much do you actually have to put up with and at what point are you allowed to do something about it?

Utility Costs: “What do I really have to pay?”

Utility Costs: “What do I really have to pay?”

Many tenants pay high utility bills. Some pay as much as 2'000 francs a year. Most just pay without complaining, but as a tenant, it would be very helpful to know what one’s legal rights are in this tangle of bills and contracts.

Renovating apartments

Renovating apartments

Defects and renovation works are long-running topics of conversation in everyday home life. Yet from a legal perspective, landlords are required only to fix actual technical defects; there is no right to renovation and improvement of the property. Everything else is a common misconception.

Your rights: Construction Defects in New Housing

Your rights: Construction Defects in New Housing

Construction defects, delays and annoyances can spoil a home buyer’s joy in entering the housing market. Crucial to the topic of "Construction Defects in New Housing" are contracts and agreements. But: What if the apartment seller will not assume any responsibility for botched construction?

As a tenant, am I entitled to demand renovation work?

As a tenant, am I entitled to demand renovation work?

Who hasn’t longed for freshly painted walls or a new fridge when doing a bit of spring cleaning? Many tenants think that after a certain period of time, they are entitled to renovation or improvement of their rental property. But legally speaking, it’s quite a different matter.

What to do when neighbours are causing trouble

What to do when neighbours are causing trouble

Tired of barking dogs, screaming children or loud parties going on until 4 am the next morning? When people in your building are really getting under your skin, it can be hard to know how to resolve the situation. We’re here to explain the legal situation and what works in practice.

Energy-efficient refurbishment: Rent increase?

Energy-efficient refurbishment: Rent increase?

When a building is refurbished from the ground up, it can be expensive – not only for the owner, but also for the tenants. But it’s not legal to increase the rent to reflect the full costs. We explain the legal situation and provide some tips on the right procedure to follow.

New-build delay: what should you do?

New-build delay: what should you do?

There’s nothing more annoying than a New-build delay of your new home – especially if you have already ended your old tenancy agreement. What do you do if your new home is not yet ready to move into?

Smoking in Your Rented Apartment

Smoking in Your Rented Apartment

This issue affects landlords and tenants equally. Is it OK for tenants to smoke in their rental unit? Or just what is allowed, and what is prohibited?

Duplicate key for the landlord – allowed or not?

Duplicate key for the landlord – allowed or not?

Are landlords allowed to have a duplicate key for their temant’s home? The legal situation is clear. Whoever rents an apartment has no right to retain a key to the flat. Tenants, on the other hand, have good reasons to deposit a duplicate key anyway.

Trash disposal: Rights and obligations

Trash disposal: Rights and obligations

This article will tell you everything tenants and landlords need to know about trash disposal and recycling.