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Apartment searches made easy: our top tips

Apartment searches made easy: our top tips

Are you looking for your first apartment? Then check out our guide! It’s packed with all the tips you need for your search.

Our 5 tips for finding a flat share

Our 5 tips for finding a flat share

Are you looking to move out and want to find a flat share? We explain how to up your chances of finding a great room.

Our 5 tips: How to find a flatmate

Our 5 tips: How to find a flatmate

Are you looking for a new flatmate? We tell you what to look out for, where you should look and how to find the perfect flatmate.

What will your first apartment cost?

What will your first apartment cost?

Had enough of living at home or in a flat share? Then maybe it’s time to move into a place of your own. In this article, we explain how much money you’ll need to have saved.

The 12 districts and neighbourhoods of Zurich

The 12 districts and neighbourhoods of Zurich

We'll tell you the stories of the 12 districts in Zurich and show you how much it costs to live in Zurich. Read now.

Neighbourhoods in Basel: Which district will become your new home?

Neighbourhoods in Basel: Which district will become your new home?

From idyllic residential areas to the lively harbour and the renowned art museum: Basel has a lot to offer! We'll take you through the individual districts and show you where it's cheapest to live.

Types of property

Types of property

Attic apartment, loft or family home – discover the different types of property on offer.

Find your new home even faster with the Homegate app

Find your new home even faster with the Homegate app

Start your property search on our app today and discover all its benefits!

Five steps to a new flat

Five steps to a new flat

Can you still find affordable rental properties in Switzerland – and who can snap them up?

Collections Report

Collections Report

When applying for properties, you may be asked for a collections report. We explain what this is and how can you get one.

Apartment application

Apartment application

How do you apply for an apartment? What do you have to consider to convince the landlord of you?