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EUR 36’612’000.–
42 locali
06121 Perugia

Castello e Azienda agricola

Il Castello (XII secolo) è stato restaurato più volte nel corso dei secoli ed adattato a residenza abitativa, con varie sale affrescate. Tuttora conserva un buon sviluppo murario, merlato alla guelfa, una torre quadrata ed un cortile interno; in esso si trova un pozzo profondo 42 m comunicante con i sotterranei e le segrete. La Cappella del Castello era gestita dai monaci cistercensi dellabbazia di Montelabate sin dal 1113, e rappresentò la parrocchia fino al 1600. Chiesa parrocchiale (1610), dedicata a San Tommaso e costruita su un terreno dei conti Degli Oddi.Riconosciuto come tesoro dei Beni Culturali è emblema della tradizione vitivinicola del territorio con i suoi 12,5 ha coltivati a vigneto.La tenuta si estende su circa 226 ha di cui 12,5 ha coltivati a vigneto i restanti 4 ha a uliveto, 170 ha a seminativo irriguo e 42 ha boschivo.2 laghi per irrigazione di tutto il territorio.Il castello per un totale di circa 420 mq è stato ristrutturato interamente per circa 2420 mq , mentre i restanti 1500 sono da ristrutturate.Nella tenuta sono presenti 8 casolari di cui 2 interamente ristrutturati, mentre 6 sono da ristrutturare con progetto approvato sia al Comune che alla Sovrintendenza,420 mq di volumetria da realizzare accanto al castello.Produzione di vini (2 bianchi, 2 rossi, 1 rosato) Doc - Colli Altotiberini - ITG d'Umbria e IGP d'Umbriaterreno misto argilloso di medio impasto, densità di impianto 4700 ceppi/ettaro

EUR 7’458’000.–
32 locali
10010 Scarmagno

The Castle * IL Castello * das Schloss

The Castle (3700 sqm / 39826 sq.ft) is one of Italys most beautiful monuments and it is considered one of the most scenic and extraordinary castles in the world. Its marvelous Noble Courtyard with the suggestive Fountain of the Mysteries, is surrounded by impressive, historical walls (built between the 9th and 14th century). All the rooms and the halls are of an incommensurable beauty and the luxuriant medieval park (35.000 sqm), able to accommodate up to 320 guests within its perfectly well tended gardens. It features also a Romanic chapel (850 A.C.). The property rises majestically on the top of the village offering a panorama of great beauty. This castle was owned and ruled by different important families, such as the houses of King Arduino, of the Bishop of Ivrea, the Holy Roman Emperor Otto I and the Savoia. At the end of 1800 the castle has been skillfully restored by the famous architect Alfredo DAndrade. In 1992 the works of restoration continued and the castle regained its antique magnificence and it offers the highest comforts and the most modern technologies to satisfy the most demanding customers. 32 bedrooms all with A/C + 47 bathrooms and the castle is heated throughout. Energy class: G The castle is located in a very easily accessible position : it is only 500 m. far from the A5 TO-AO.It is one of the most beautiful monuments in Italy and it is considered one of the most spectacular and enchanted castles of the world. Within its historical and mighty walls there are the Noble Bailey with its Mistery Well, wonderful halls and ballrooms and the luxuriant Tropical Garden, with its capacity to hold up to 320 guests.The Castle magnificently lifts up on top of the village offering stunning landscapes. It is considered for its history a lucky castle: a legend says that it brings luck, love and prosperity to all the people that will stay there even for a short period.The Manor has been skilfully restored and offers to its guests the best comforts, equipments and technologies that are able to satisfy even the most demanding guests.It was built between the XIth and the XIth centuries and in 1981 it was declared national monument.In 1991 it was bought by the present owner society, that restored it and created a hotel , a restaurant, a congress centre and, in part, private apartments. The building is the most suitable background for historical reenactments, as the very famous medieval duel that is traditionally held in June. In this castle, as in other manors of the Canavese area, the most popular and celebrated historical figure is Arduino, king of Italy in the medieval period. The name of this monarch is the same that can be admired on the panelled ceilings that decorate the interiors, with paintings and animal figures. Inside the castle, next to the internal courtyard, there is a small chapel, that was built contemporary to the original building.