74 results - Apartment for rent in Region Höfe

CHF 3,520.– / month
5.5 rooms 145m² living space
Zentrum Staldenbach 11, 8808 Pfäffikon SZ

Topmoderne Wohnung an bester Lage

Die LageDas Zentrum Staldenbach am revitalisierten Staldenbach und in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zum Bahnhof Pfäffikon SZ präsentiert sich elegant, smart, bunt, spannend und lebendig. Die Einkaufsmöglichkeiten liegen wenige Gehminuten und das grosse Einkaufszentrum wenige Fahrkilometer entfernt. Im Sommer können Sie sich in der nahen Seebadeanstalt abkühlen und wieder frische Energie tanken.Ein Rundgang durch Ihre WohnungDer durchdachte Grundriss lässt Ihnen Freiheiten sich individuell einzurichten. Der Parkettboden in allen Wohnräumen sorgt zudem für eine behagliche Atmosphäre. Ein Highlight ist der Sitzplatz, der zum Verweilen einlädt. Weiter bietet Ihnen diese Wohnung folgende Vorzüge:- Wohnen / Essen / Kochen- Sitzplatz- 2 Zimmer- Badzimmer- Separates WC mit Wäscheturm- LiftDetailEin Einstellplatz in der Tiefgarage kann auf Wunsch dazu gemietet werden.Anrufen. Besichtigen. MietenHaben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Dann freuen wir uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme!Um einen Besichtigungstermin zu vereinbaren, nehmen Sie bitte direkt mit unserem Hauswart Herr Nagler Telefon 079 330 32 96, Kontakt auf.WIR BITTEN SIE, BEI DER BESICHTIGUNG EINE SCHUTZMASKE ZU TRAGEN.Sylvia Haupt058 280 86 78sylvia.haupt@helvetia.chAls Mieter von Helvetia profitieren Sie von 50% Rabatt auf Ihre erste Jahresprämie für ausgewählte Helvetia Versicherungsprodukte!Weitere interessante Mietobjekte finden Sie unter: www.helvetia.ch/immobilienBei den publizierten Bildern handelt es sich um typenähnliche / typengleiche Wohnungen. Abweichungen zum effektiven Angebot sind deshalb möglich.

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Additional information


The District of Höfe is a region that is becoming increasingly attractive to residents. In the past 3 years, the number of residents has risen to 29,674 inhabitants, which is equivalent to a population increase of 1.78%.


The average annual income level is CHF 224,285. 31.30% of the population hold a university degree, 15.23% have completed higher vocational education, 38.45% of the population have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 15.02% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling. The unemployment rate is 0.57%.


The tax percentage is 5.81%. The actual percentage of tax paid varies from person to person and is based on aspects including current income, marital status and the overall level of deductions. On average, a retired couple pays 7.82% and a childless, married couple pays 4.99%. Married couples with two children pay an average of 3.26% and the tax burden for an unmarried person without children is 8.17%.

The overall property market

New buildings

The quantity of newly built apartments in the District of Höfe has been growing steadily for 5 years. A total of 847 new apartments were created. One-room apartments comprise 25 of the new builds – an excellent option for people living alone. Along with apartments that had already been built, 144 new 2-room apartments have been constructed. For families searching for a new place to live, the 266 apartments and the 265 4-room apartments are particularly attractive. Furthermore, the number of large apartments available amounts to 101 5-room apartments and 46 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing stock

The new buildings have contributed to the ongoing growth of the local housing supply; there are now 14,325 apartments in the District of Höfe. There are a total of 526 1-room apartments available in the area. In terms of medium-sized to large apartments, the housing supply includes 1,486 apartments with 2 rooms, 3,182 3-room apartments and 4,820 with 4 rooms. There are 2,712 5-room apartments and 1,599 large apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Empty apartments

0.31% of the total housing stock in the District of Höfe is uninhabited. This means that 0.95% of the 1-room apartments, 0.61% of the apartments with 2 rooms, 0.47% of apartments with 3 rooms, 0.17% of 4-room apartments and 0.18% of apartments with 5 rooms are presently unoccupied. The rate of vacancy is 0.16% for apartments with more than 5 rooms and 0.13% for apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (letting only)

An average of CHF 2,120 is required to rent a property. A quarter of all available rents are lower than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 1,700 (25th percentile). Additionally, 75% of all monthly rents are less than or equivalent to CHF 2,630.