148 results - Apartment for rent in Region Berner Jura

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CHF 750.–
2.5 rooms 120m² living space
LES NAVELLES 12, 2748 Souboz

Location Bretagne: Kermarael, petit manoir au bord de la mer

DEGEMER MAT AR KERMARAEL ! Bienvenue à Kermarael !Superbe maison bretonne en pierres apparentes des années 30 entièrement rénovée.Mèlant authenticité de l'ancien et confort moderne avec un jardin clos de 400m² et un portail électrique. Salon de jardin et barbecue Weber à disposition.2 chambres avec 2 lits queensize, et matelas d'appoint (la 3eme chambre avec 2 lits simples et coin jeux pour enfants sera faite d'ici à janvier).Il y a 2 salles de bains, 2 WC, un salon avec téléviseur, bureau, sofa, fauteuils, une cuisine/ salle à manger entièrement équipée. Lave linge, sèche linge .Venez profiter de la beauté sauvage de cette petite région bretonne authentique, le Léon, quasiment entourée par la mer. Vous y découvrirez également une véritable cuisine bretonne traditionnelle.Idéalement située entre les magnifiques villes de Roscoff et Saint Pol de Léon aux plages et au patrimoine exceptionnels (vieux port et port de plaisance de Roscoff, Ile de Batz, Cathédrale de Saint Pol de Léon,etc) une piste cyclable passe devant la maison (nous avons 4 vélos adultes et 2 pour enfants) et vous amène au vieux port de Roscoff ou à la Cathédrale de Saint Pol de Léon en 10 minutes à vélo ou en quelques minutes en voiture. Divers commerces, boulangeries et même grande surface à quelques minutes également.La magnifique plage de Kersaliou se trouve a 10 minutes à pieds (900 m), sur le chemin y menant vous pourrez y admirer son château et son manoir majestueux.Le bus passe à quelques pas de la maison, possibilité de prêt de voiture.Le prix affiché est à la semaine, basse saison, sans options.Nous contacter pour plus de détails.

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Additional information


The population of the Arrondissement administratif Jura bernois has fallen to 53,628 in the past 3 years – a decline of 0.15%.


The average income is CHF 62,460. 11.31% of the population have a university degree, 9.50% have a higher vocational training qualification, 51.56% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship), 26.09% are enrolled in compulsory schooling and 1.53% of the population provided no information on their highest level of education. According to the data, this is a region with high social standards and an educated population. At present, 1.14% of the population is unemployed.


Overall, the tax rate in the area is 16.22%. The individual percentage of tax actually paid will vary and is based on factors such as specific income, marital status, the amount of deductions and the like. The tax percentage for an unmarried person without children in the Arrondissement administratif Jura bernois is 20.98%. On average, a retired couple (over 65) pays 20.19% tax, a married couple with two children 11.31% and a couple without children 15.48%.

The property market in general

New construction

The housing market in the Arrondissement administratif Jura bernois has demonstrated positive development within the last 5 years. A total of 716 apartments have been built. Of these new apartments, a total of 7 apartments have exactly one room to live in. In addition to the existing apartments, 109 new 2-room apartments have been constructed. A total of 150 new 3-room apartments and 180 4-room apartments were created. The available housing stock was also expanded to include 188 5-room apartments and 82 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing stock

New builds have further increased the housing stock in the region; there are now a total of 30,300 apartments in the Arrondissement administratif Jura bernois. There are a total of 1,037 1-room apartments available in the region. The total number of properties comes to 3,283 apartments with 2 rooms, 8,271 apartments with 3 rooms and 8,504 apartments with 4 rooms. Finally, 5,435 5-room apartments and 3,770 spacious apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms are available in the region.

Empty apartments

In the Arrondissement administratif Jura bernois, there is a 4.62% vacancy rate for apartments. Of this figure, 11.49% of 1-room apartments, 5.54% of all apartments with 2 rooms, 6.38% of all 3-room apartments, 4.59% of the 4-room apartments and 1.95% of the 5-room apartments are currently uninhabited. The vacancy rate is 1.95% for apartments with more than 5 rooms and 1.95% for apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

Rental properties are offered at an average rent of CHF 1,000 per month. 25% of the rents on offer are cheaper than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 838 (25th percentile). Monthly rents are below CHF 1,250 (75th percentile), or they are equivalent to this average price.