637 results - Apartment for rent in Canton Geneva (Genève)

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CHF 6,720.– / month
5.5 rooms
Budé, 1201 Genève

PETIT SACONNEX-BUDE-UNO AREA: Apartment traversant 4 1/2

The Residence "Parc Budé" is distinctive by : THE LOCATION it' s 5mn walk from UNO and all major diplomatical & international organisations, 10mn by car or bus to airport, trainstation, the lake and the city center. THE ENVIRONMENT safety, quietness and green, the residence has concierges, roofgarden, swiming pools and a large parc with a farm, school, games for children & supermarket. APARTMENT DESCRIPTION traversant with picture windows spacious living room,1 bedroom with bathroom, 1bedroom with showerroom, fully equiped american kitchen( incl. dishwasher, waching machine & micro-wave), hall with w.c, several cupboards. Also 1 storage room, 1 closed parkingspace and outside a lot of parkingsspace. La résidence du Parc de Budé se distingue par: SA SITUATION: La résidence est à 5 mn de marche de la plupart des organisations internationales et des missions diplomatiques, à 10 mn en voiture ou en bus de l'aéroport, de la gare, du lac, et du centre ville. ENVIRONNEMENT: Sécurité, calme et verdure, concierges, jardins paysagés sur le toit, des piscines ainsi qu'un grand parc privé avec une ferme, une école, des jeux pour enfants et un supermarché. DESCRIPTION DE L'APPARTEMENT: Appartement traversant avec des baies vitrées. 2 balcons, un grand salon, une chambre avec salle de bain, une chambre avec salle de douche, une cuisine américaine entièrement équippée (y compris le lave-linge, lave-vaisselle et micro-onde), une cave, un box fermé et des places de parking extérieur.

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Additional information


In the past 3 years, the population in the Canton of Geneva has increased by 1.98%, to 514,114 people.


The average income level is CHF 98,750. 32.83% of the population are university graduates, 7.77% have a higher vocational education qualification, 34.29% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 25.11% are currently completing compulsory education. The unemployment rate is currently 1.82%.


The tax percentage in the region is 13.00%. Income, marital status and deductions are among the aspects that affect the actual tax burden. A married couple on a pension in the Canton of Geneva pays an average of 16.23%, a married couple with two children 7.49% and married couples without children 12.32%. The tax rate for a single person without children is 20.10%.

The property market in general

New construction

Within the last 5 years, the number of newly constructed apartments in the Canton of Geneva has grown consistently. A total of 12,307 new apartments have been created. Of these newly built apartments, 1,058 are 1-room apartments, which are perfect for singles. Along with the existing apartments, 2,572 new 2-room apartments have been created. A total of 3,671 new 3-room apartments and 3,519 4-room apartments were built. The new accommodation includes 1,217 5-room apartments and 270 apartments with 6 or more rooms.

Housing stock

The new construction has contributed to a further expansion of the housing supply, and there are now 246,237 apartments in the Canton of Geneva. There are 39,763 1-room apartments available on the housing market. In terms of medium-sized to large apartments, the housing stock includes 67,618 apartments with 2 rooms, 48,309 3-room apartments and 21,771 with 4 rooms. A total of 21,771 5-room apartments and 15,329 spacious apartments with 6 or more rooms are also available on the market.

Unoccupied apartments

0.42% of the total housing stock in the Canton of Geneva is vacant. Of this total, 0.52% of 1-room apartments, 0.39% of all 2-room apartments, 0.39% of all 3-room apartments, 0.32% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 0.44% of the 5-room apartments are presently uninhabited. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 0.56%; 0.73% of this value applies to apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Housing market (rental only)

The average rental price for properties in the area is CHF 2,200. 25% of all rents on offer are below a monthly rent of CHF 1,693, or they are equal to this amount (25th percentile). Monthly rents are less than CHF 2,950 (75th percentile), or they are equivalent to this average price.