FAQs for listing on Homegate


Here we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions about placing property listings.

Here and in the in-depth articles to the right, you’ll find our tips and answers to the most frequently asked questions in connection with listing properties on homegate.ch. The articles address the following topics:

Before creating a listing

Here you can find out how to prepare for the quick and smooth creation of your listing.

How do I place a listing?

To list a property on homegate.ch, you need to have a user account. If you don’t have a user account yet, you can create one here.

If you are already registered, you can simply sign in with your username and password.

What formats are supported for photo and document uploads?

  • Documents (PDF and DOC) are limited to 10 MB per file
  • Videos can be loaded via YouTube (max. 15 mins)
  • Photos 8 MB or max. 1600 x 1600 pixels (jpeg, gif and png formats)

Creating a listing

How do I upload images?

You can upload your images as follows:

  • Search for the image on your PC using the ‘Select image’ button
  • Click ‘Open’
  • If desired, enter a title and image description under ‘Edit image’
  • Upload additional images in the same way

How do I publish my listing in two property categories?

If you wish to publish your listing in an additional property category, you have to create an additional listing. This will also be subject to the standard costs.

What is the correct way to specify the floor the apartment is on?

For raised ground floor apartments, the information can only be entered under ‘Characteristics and features’ (on the ‘Details & price’ page). Floors 1 to 20 can be selected. If a property is higher than the 20th floor, the best idea is to state the floor in the title and/or description.

Billing address

As soon as the billing address has been filled out, the listing can be submitted for publication. To do this, click the ‘Publish’ button.

After creating a listing

How long do I have to wait before my listing goes live?

Listings are checked within one working day (8 am–5 pm) and published during the next listing processing run (between 6 am and 6 pm). The processing takes 30 minutes to one hour.

What is the current status of my listing?

  • Draft: With this status, the listing remains valid for 21 days. During this time, the listing can be edited, published or deleted.
  • Published: The listing is online and can be accessed for editing or deletion at any time.
  • Listing in review: This is the status of the listing shortly before publication. It cannot be edited.
  • After publication, the listing is displayed with a green tick.

Why did my draft listing disappear?

Either you signed in with a different username when you created the draft or the draft was created more than 21 days ago.

The following fields are required: Title, ZIP code, property description, email address

After placing the listing

Here you can find all the information about editing, archiving and deleting a listing.

How long will my listing be online?

At homegate.ch, there is no fixed period for listings. You decide how long the listing should stay online. So your listing will stay online until you delete it.

Is it free to edit an existing listing?

Edits can be made and are free of charge. Updates take place multiple times a day (between 6 am and 6 pm). Please note: the property address cannot be changed once the listing has gone live.

Can my listing be paused?

Unfortunately there is no way to pause a listing. If you wish to remove it from the homepage for a certain period, you have to delete it (and recreate it at the desired time) or archive it. Note that recreating or reactivating a listing is subject to the same standard costs as the initial listing.

Where can I edit or delete my listing?

You can edit or delete your listing here.

Can I copy my listing?

At present, it is not possible for a lister to make a copy of an existing listing.

Can I archive/reactivate my listing?

If you delete the listing, you have the option of archiving it until you use it again (max. 5 years). This costs CHF 15 per listing/archiving. When reactivated, the listing will be billed again according to the current rate. This also changes the property reference for your listing.

How can I check the success of my listing?

Under ‘My listings’, you can see the views, emails and number of days published. The current number of views, contacts and the number of days published is always generated overnight. Any enquiries received via email during the day are therefore not yet available in the statistics.

Can I publish my listing again in the search alert?

In the ‘Additional services’ area on the ‘My listings’ page, you have the option of publishing your listing again in the homegate.ch search alerts starting 10 days after it initially went live. This costs CHF 19 per listing/sending.

Homegate.ch is the best platform to list your sale or rental property on because no other property portal generates a greater response.

To make your listing on homegate.ch even more successful, we have put together a collection of the best tips for listing a property. Learn how you can use attractive photos, an appealing description and detailed additional information to make your listing much more effective.

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