106 results - Apartment for rent in Petit-Saconnex

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Price on request
5.5 rooms 140m² living space
sur demande, 1202 Genève

Appartement à 5 minutes des Nations et du lac

Loyer : CHF 3'800.- charges comprises This nice 140 m2 apartment is inside an elegant building at Rue de Lausanne just in front of the beautiful park « Mon Repos » on the lakeside. Perfect for those who are looking for an high standard accomodation located perfectly half way to Cornavin station and Onu. Très bel appartement au rez-de-chaussée de 140 m2 dans un magnifique immeuble à la Rue de Lausanne juste en face du très beau parc « Mon Repos » au bord du lac. Parfait pour des personnes qui souhaitent un logement de qualité avec une très bonne localisation entre la gare de Cornavin et les Organismes Internationaux. Surface habitable : 140 m2 Nombres de pièces : 5.5 Salon : 1 Cuisine équipée : 1 Chambre : 1 Bureau : 1 Salle de douches : 1 WC : 1 WC Visiteurs Terrasse : 1 Cave : 1 Chauffage : gaz Parking : Non Disponibilité : A convenir Loyer : CHF 3'500.- + CHF 300.- de charges Il se compose ainsi: 1 hall d'entrée, 1 chambre, 1 salle à manger, 1 salon, 1 petite chambre/bureau/dressing, 1 cuisine entièrement équipée, 1 salle de douche et 1 WC Visiteurs, 1 terrasse. Atouts : traversant, lumineux, à proximité de la gare et des Nations, à deux pas du lac, quartier vivant, grandes pièces. Pour les visites, veuillez contacter Sidney 7/7 au +41 79 874 01 10 Loyer : CHF 3'800.- charges comprises SEGIMO GROUPE IMMOBILIER Agence immobilière Suisse romande visitez notre site www.segimo.ch Tél. : 0848 007 001

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Additional information


The population of Genève has decreased by -0.05% in the last 3 years and now numbers 203,840 inhabitants.


Average income totals CHF 86,455. 39.01% of the population are university graduates, 6.69% have a higher vocational training qualification, 29.1% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 25.21% are currently completing compulsory education. The current unemployment rate stands at 2.01%.


The overall rate of taxation is 13.25%. This differs from person to person and is based on income, marital status and the overall level of deductions, among other factors. In Genève, the tax burden for single people without children is 20.49%. A married couple on a pension (over 65) pays an average of 16.53%, a married couple with two children 7.64% and a couple without children 12.57%.

The overall property market

New construction

Genève has registered the construction of 2,924 new apartments over the past 5 years. 501 of the newly built apartments are 1-room apartments, which are particularly suitable for people living alone. The total number of newly built 2-room apartments is 791. 817 apartments with 3 rooms and 621 4-room apartments were additionally built. Funds were also invested in more spacious accommodation: 181 5-room apartments were created, providing lots of living space; 13 apartments with at least 6 rooms were also constructed.

Housing stock

The new construction has contributed to a further expansion of the housing stock, and there are now 112,225 apartments in Genève. The number of 1-room apartments is 27,076. In addition, there are 30,908 apartments with 2 rooms, 29,228 apartments with 3 rooms and 15,320 apartments with 4 rooms. Finally, 6,084 5-room apartments and 3,609 spacious apartments with at least 6 rooms are available.

Empty apartments

There is a 0.52% vacancy rate in Genève. This means that 0.55% of the 1-room apartments, 0.46% of the apartments with 2 rooms, 0.51% of apartments with 3 rooms, 0.46% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 0.66% of apartments with 5 rooms are currently uninhabited. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 0.8%; 1.03% of this figure applies to apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Housing market (letting only)

The average rent for properties is CHF 2,200. 25% of the rents on offer are lower than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,655 (25th percentile). And 75% of monthly rents are less than or equal to CHF 2,950 (75th percentile).