3533 results - Apartment for rent in Region Sarganserland

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1 / 2
CHF 1,870.– / month
4.5 rooms 107m² living space
Grofstrasse, 8887 Mels

Wohnen mit Service - 4.5-Zimmer Alterswohnung

ProjektWohnen mit Service - hier ist der Name Programm!Beim geschichtsträchtigen Melserhof entstehen 50 Eigentums- und Mietwohnungen sowie ein umfassender Gastronomiebereich mit einem Restaurant und Saalbetrieb.Das Konzept der Überbauung richtet sich vorwiegend an Paare und Alleinstehende ab 50 Jahren. Die gesamte Anlage ist rollstuhlgängig.Mit der Intention, die Selbstständigkeit der Bewohner zu bewahren, verfolgt das Projekt das grundlegende Ziel, das Wohnen bis ins hohe Alter sicher und gleichzeitig komfortabel zu erhalten. Dieses Vorhaben wird durch die vielfältigen Dienstleistungsangebote gestützt und umgesetzt. Die Bewohner können sich vollumfänglich wie zu Hause fühlen, aber gleichzeitig die Annehmlichkeiten wie in einem Hotel geniessen, durch interne oder externe Dienstleistungen. Tagsüber wird eine Betreuung im Haus gewährleistet.Die 4.5-Zimmer-Wohnungen sind ab einer Bruttomiete von CHF 1'300.00 zu mieten.Wohnungstypen *.1 und *.10:1.OG Nettomiete CHF 1'180.00 zzgl. Nebenkosten2.OG Nettomiete CHF 1'210.00 zzgl. Nebenkosten3.OG Nettomiete CHF 1'240.00 zzgl. Nebenkostenalle anderen zur Miete zur Verfügung stehenden Wohnungstypen:1.OG Nettomiete CHF 1'310.00 zzgl. Nebenkosten2.OG Nettomiete CHF 1'340.00 zzgl. Nebenkosten3.OG Nettomiete CHF 1'370.00 zzgl. NebenkostenEin Tiefgaragen-Parkplatz kann für CHF 130.00/Mt. gemietet werden. Besucherparkplätze stehen genügend zur Verfügung.

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Additional information


The Constituency Sarganserland is a popular residential area. The population has increased by 4.78% in the past 3 years, to a total of 42,969 inhabitants.


On average, people earn CHF 63,060 per year. The proportion of university graduates is 11.77%; 17.10% of residents have higher vocational training, and 49.16% have SEK II qualifications. Additionally, 21.95% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory education. This means the residential area has high social standards and an educated population. At present, 0.59% of the population is unemployed.


The total tax percentage in the region is 12.14%. How much tax individuals pay is based on various factors, including actual income, marital status and the overall level of deductions. A married couple on a pension in the Constituency Sarganserland pays an average of 15.28%, a couple with two children 7.88% and childless married couples 11.35%. The tax burden for a single person without children is 16.92%.

The property market overall

New construction

A total of 1,451 new apartments have been created in the Constituency Sarganserland over the last 5 years – growth has been constant. The 57 1-bedroom apartments are ideal for singles. 322 of the newly constructed apartments are also 2-room apartments. The 390 3-room apartments and 407 4-room apartments are also ideal for families. There are also 159 5-room apartments and 116 apartments with 6 rooms or more available.

Housing stock

The new buildings have contributed to a further expansion of the housing supply, and there are now 24,879 apartments in the Constituency Sarganserland. The number of 1-room apartments in the overall housing stock is 1,502. In terms of medium-sized to large apartments, the housing stock comprises 3,513 apartments with 2 rooms, 5,534 3-room apartments and 6,585 with 4 rooms. Overall, there are 4,339 5-room apartments and 3,406 large apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Empty apartments

The vacancy rate in the Constituency Sarganserland is 0.56%. Of this number, 0.80% of 1-room apartments, 0.95% of the 2-room apartments, 0.56% of all 3-room apartments, 0.52% of 4-room apartments and 0.33% of the 5-room apartments are currently vacant. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 0.36%; 0.41% of this figure refers to apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Housing market (letting only)

The average rent price for rental properties is CHF 1,450 per month. In terms of the available rents, a quarter of them are equivalent to or lower than a monthly rent of CHF 1,180. In addition, 75% of all monthly rents are cheaper than or equal to CHF 1,750.