459 results - Apartment for rent in Region Oberaargau

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CHF 1,250.– / month
4912 Aarwangen

Mitbewohner/in für schöne Wohnung in Aarwangen gesucht

Da meine 5,5-Zimmerwohnung für mich alleine einfach zu gross/teuer ist, suche ich per Absprache eine(n) ordnungs- und pflichtbewusste(n) Mitbewohner(in). Gerne möchte ich die Wohnung längerfristig mit Dir teilen.Wer bin ich?Ich bin männlich, Schweizer, 32 Jahre alt und arbeite 100% in einem normalen Tagesbetrieb (Bürozeiten). Zu meinen grössten Hobbys gehören meine Autos und Musik (u.a. die Restauration alter Hi-Fi-Geräte usw.).Was erwartet Dich?- Grosse, wunderschöne Räumlichkeiten in einem Gebäude mit nur zwei Parteien (1. OG, ohne Lift)- 1 - 2 Zimmer für Dich alleine (nach Absprache)- Einige Möbel könnten übernommen werden (Schrank, Bett, Bürotisch)- Anteil in Bad (mit Dusche und Badewanne) sowie Küche- Das Wäschezimmer befindet sich direkt in der Wohnung (mit Waschmaschine und Tumbler)- Grosser, gedeckter Balkon mit Grillmöglichkeit- Garten zur Mitbenützung mit dem Nachbar (wurde bisher jedoch selten bis gar nie benutzt)- Zugang zu schnellem TV/Internet- Autoabstellplatz- Die Wohnung ist nur eine Gehminute von der Zug-Haltestelle Hard-Mumenthal entfernt.- usw.... einfach fragen :-)Was erwarte ich von Dir?- Für Dich ist Ordnung und Sauberkeit genauso wichtig wie für mich- Du bist bemüht, Dich im Haushalt einzusetzen- Du besitzt keine Haustiere- Du bist eine seriöse und pflichtbewusste Person- Nichtraucher werden bevorzugtWo findest Du dein zukünftiges zu Hause?Die Wohnung befindet sich in 4912 Aarwangen (nähe Langenthal, Niederbipp --> Grenze der Kantone Bern, Solothurn, Aargau und Luzern). Mit dem Zug bist Du in wenigen Minuten in Langenthal am Hauptbahnhof. Anschliessend gibt es super Verbindungen in alle Richtungen. Auch mit dem Auto bist Du schnell überall. Die Autobahneinfahrten Wangen an der Aare und Niederbipp sind sehr nah und schnell zu erreichen.Mietpreis nach Absprache (ca. 1250.-)Bist du interessiert? Dann melde dich doch unter 079 398 79 38, damit wir uns kennenlernen können.

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Additional information


The Administrative district Oberaargau is a very attractive place to live. In the last 3 years, the number of residents has grown to 83,504, which is equivalent to a population increase of 1.76%.

Population data

On average, people earn CHF 62,840 annually. 9.36% of the population have a university degree, 18.24% have a higher vocational training qualification, 51.92% of the population have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship), 19.84% of residents are currently completing compulsory schooling and 0.64% of the population offered no information about their higher education qualifications. Consequently, this is an area with high social standards and an educated population. The current unemployment rate is 0.76%.


15.50% is the tax burden in the region. However, the individual tax burden differs from person to person and is determined by income, marital status and the amount of deductions, among other factors. On average, a retired couple pays 19.32% and a married couple with no children pays 14.78%. Married couples with two children pay an average of 10.78% and the tax rate for an unmarried person without children is 20.08%.

Summary of the property market

New builds

The number of newly constructed apartments in the Administrative district Oberaargau amounted to 1,898. 28 of the new builds are 1-room apartments, which are particularly suitable for people living alone. Alongside apartments that had already been built, 247 new 2-room apartments have been created. Additionally, 463 3-room apartments and 649 4-room apartments have been built. Investments were also made in larger apartments: 387 5-room apartments were created, offering lots of living space; 124 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms were also constructed.

Housing stock

The Administrative district Oberaargau now has a total of 43,137 apartments, following additional growth in the housing stock thanks to new construction. There are 1,257 1-room apartments on the housing market. In addition, there are 4,407 apartments with 2 rooms, 10,298 apartments with 3 rooms and 13,163 apartments with 4 rooms. Overall, there are 8,616 5-room apartments and 5,396 large apartments with 6 or more rooms.

Empty apartments

2.32% of apartments in the Administrative district Oberaargau are uninhabited. Consequently, 4.32% of the 1-room apartments, 3.08% of all 2-room apartments, 3.04% of the apartments with 3 rooms, 2.5% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 1.25% of the 5-room apartments are presently empty. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 1.20%; 1.14% of this figure applies to apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Housing market (letting only)

The average rent for properties is CHF 1,345. 25% of the rents on the market are less than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,112 (25th percentile). 75% of monthly rents are cheaper than CHF 1,590 (75th percentile), or they are equal to this average price.