107 results - Apartment for rent in Region Martigny

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Additional information


The population of the District de Martigny is currently 50,760, which amounts to a population increase of 5.10% in the last 3 years.

Population data

Average income is CHF 59,455. 15.66% of the population have a university degree, 9.52% have a higher vocational training qualification, 45.31% of the population have a school-leaving certificate or have completed a vocational apprenticeship, 29.39% of residents have completed compulsory schooling and 0.13% of the population provided no information about their highest level of education. According to the data, this area has high social standards and an educated population. The unemployment rate currently stands at 1.41%.


The total rate of taxation in the region is 13.19%. Aspects including income, marital status and the overall level of deductions are used to calculate the tax rate. In the District de Martigny, a retired couple (over 65) pays an average of 17.76% tax, a married couple with two children 6.97% and a couple without children 11.98%. The tax burden for an unmarried person with no children is 20.19%.

The property market in general

New construction

The number of newly constructed apartments in the District de Martigny has been increasing consistently for 5 years. A total of 2,956 new apartments were created. One-room apartments account for 254 of the new builds – perfect for singles. There are also 918 new 2-room apartments. In addition, 911 3-room apartments and 550 4-room apartments have been built. Furthermore, the number of spacious apartments available includes 225 5-room apartments and 98 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing stock

The newly constructed buildings provide additional living space in the region. There are a total of 31,218 apartments in the District de Martigny. The number of 1-room apartments in the overall housing stock is 2,452. What's more, there are 5,609 apartments with 2 rooms, 8,393 apartments with 3 rooms and 8,702 apartments with a full 4 rooms. Finally, 3,785 5-room apartments and 2,277 spacious apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms are available in the area.

Empty apartments

4.56% of the total housing stock in the District de Martigny is empty. This means that 12.01% of the 1-room apartments, 5.28% of apartments with 2 rooms, 4.29% of the apartments with 3 rooms, 3.78% of 4-room apartments and 2.47% of all 5-room apartments are currently uninhabited. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 2.38%; of that number, 2.23% are apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

Rental properties are offered for prices averaging around CHF 1,300 per month. A quarter of rents are lower than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 1,100 (25th percentile). Finally, 75% of monthly rents are less than CHF 1,550, or are equivalent to this amount.