50 results - Apartment for rent in Bözingen/Boujean

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CHF 2,880.–
5.5 rooms 130m² living space
Schlösslifeld 23, 2504 Biel/Bienne

Groß und hell, mit einem privaten Garten

Diese 5.5-Zimmer-Wohnung befindet sich im Erdgeschoss in einer sehr ruhigen Wohnquartier der Stadt Biel/Bienne, am Flussufer (Suze), und bietet eine Nutzfläche von 130m2. Die großen Erkerfenster bringen viel Licht in die verschiedenen Räume der Wohnung. Eine Veranda ermöglicht den Zugang zu Ihrer Terrasse das ganze Jahr über. Außerdem ist der private Garten von 50 m2 mit Blick auf den Süden sehr sonnig. Vorteile:Sehr ruhige Wohnquartier, direkt an der Suze Sehr hell Offene und voll ausgestattete Küche Veranda Privater Garten Zwei Badezimmer (WC + Badewanne; WC + Dusche) Zwei Kellerräume Private Waschküche Möglichkeit, bis zu drei Innenparkplätze zu haben In der Nähe: Migros 200m Bus 100m Sekundarschule 200m Primarschule 600m Bitte keine Immobilienagentur*****Cet appartement de 5.5 pièces est situé au rez-de-chaussée dans un quartier résidentiel très calme de la ville de Bienne, au bord de la Suze, et offre une surface utile de 130m2. Les grandes baies vitrées amènent beaucoup de luminosité dans les diverses pièces de l'appartement. Une véranda permet l'accessibilité à votre terrasse tout au long de l'année. De plus, le jardin privé de 50 m2 donnant sur le sud est très ensoleillé. Avantages: Quartier résidentiel très calme, à côté de la Suze Très lumineux Cuisine ouverte et toute équipée Véranda Jardin privé Deux salles de bains (WC + baignoire ; WC + douche) Deux caves Buanderie privée Possibilité d'avoir jusqu'à trois parking intérieurs A proximité: Migros à 200m Bus à 100m Ecole secondaire à 200m Ecole primaire à 600m Pas d'agence immobilière s.v.p.

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Additional information


Having decreased by -0.96%, the population in Biel/Bienne has fallen to 55,070 over the past 3 years.


The average income is CHF 61,520. A total of 18.77% of the population hold a university degree, 10.57% have completed higher vocational education, 41.92% of the population have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 28.74% of residents are currently completing compulsory schooling. The region is characterised by high social standards and an educated population. Approximately 1.8% of the population is currently unemployed.


15.47% is the rate of taxation in the region. However, the individual tax burden varies from person to person and is determined by income, marital status and the amount of deductions, among other factors. The tax rate for an unmarried person with no children in Biel/Bienne is 20.04%. On average, a married couple on a pension (over 65) pays 19.29%, a married couple with two children 10.76% and a childless couple 14.75%.

The property market in general

New construction

The housing stock in Biel/Bienne has increased by 1,198 apartments in the last 5 years. The 39 1-bedroom apartments are perfect for people living alone. A total of 350 new 2-room apartments have additionally been built. Living space for families has also been constructed: For example, 467 apartments with 3 rooms and 311 4-room apartments were added to the pool of housing available locally. 27 apartments with 5 rooms and 4 apartments with 6 or more rooms have been added to the supply on the housing market.

Housing stock

The new construction has contributed to a further expansion of the housing supply, and there are now 31,991 apartments in Biel/Bienne. A total of 2,283 1-room apartments are available on the housing market. In addition, there are 5,594 apartments with 2 rooms, 12,823 apartments with 3 rooms and 8,043 apartments with a full 4 rooms. Finally, 2,288 5-room apartments and 960 spacious apartments with 6 or more rooms are available on the market.

Vacant apartments

There is a 1.8% vacancy rate in Biel/Bienne. Of this number, 3.73% of 1-room apartments, 1.88% of the 2-room apartments, 1.99% of all 3-room apartments, 1.37% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 0.61% of 5-room apartments are empty. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 0.59%; 0.52% of those unoccupied properties are apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

Rental properties are offered at average rental prices of about CHF 1,290 per month. 25% of all rents on offer are below a monthly rent of CHF 1,090, or they are equal to this amount (25th percentile). Monthly rents are lower than CHF 1,550 (75th percentile), or they are equivalent to this average price.