2 results - Apartment for rent in Thyon

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1 / 5
CHF 1,000.– / month
2 rooms 31m² living space
Route de Thyon 12, Thyon, 1988 Thyon

THYON2000-Studio de vacances s/pistes4Vallées.

Le studio est également disponible pendant des séjours du Lundi au Vendredi au mois de janvier et mars 2024!Et pour des weekends du vendredi au dimanche en fin d'après-midi 2024.TARIFS du 02.05 au 30.22.2023De Mai à Novembre CHF 350 par semaine(CHF 60 par nuit - 2 à 3 nuits min.)Locations pendant la saison de ski:Par semaine du samedi au samediCHF 1000 + taxe de séjour.Le weekend du vendredi à dimanche CHF 250.Du lundi au vendredi CHF 450 au mois de janvier et mars + taxe de séour.(Les semaines de Noël et de Nouvel An CHF 850 + taxe de séjour) Déjà occupées!Joli studio situé sur les pistes de ski des 4Vallées à THYON2000 et est aménagé pour 2 adultes+ 2enfants.Ski in Ski out, Départ à ski depuis le bâtiment dans lequel le studio se trouve!En été et en automne idéal pour VTT, Marche, Randonnées sur l'alpage et le long des bisses.Studio confortable pour 4 personnes. Entièrement équipé.Cuisine NEUVE! salle de bains, balcon.Canapé-lit pour 2 personnes NEUF et deux lits (superposés).Compris :La literie complète,la PLACE DE PARC PRIVEE dans Parking souterrain,le WIFI privé, armoire à ski.Cuisine bien équipée !Machine à café Dolce Gusto, four à raclette, set fondue fromage/ viande, toaster.Plus de photos sur notre site web sur demande.En été de nombreux itinéraires de marche sont indiqués sur le site de Thyon2000.Au plaisir de vous lire,Famille LachatCaractéristiques: Balcon / Terrasse / JardinetObjet: Appartement

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Additional information


Vex has grown by 2.71% in the past 3 years and now has 1,854 inhabitants.

Population statistics

The average annual income is CHF 40,920. Of the population, 23.13% have a university degree, 9.03% have completed higher vocational education, 44.42% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 23.48% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling. Consequently, the area has high social standards. 0.92% of the population is presently unemployed.


Overall, the tax percentage in the region is 13.62%. The individual percentage of tax actually paid varies and is determined by factors such as actual income, marital status, the overall level of deductions and the like. The tax burden for a single person without children in Vex is 20.75%. On average, a married couple on a pension (over 65) pays 18.39%, a married couple with two children 7.21% and a couple without children 12.37%.

Summary of the property market

New builds

50 new apartments have been constructed in Vex over the last 5 years. A total of 4 1-room apartments have been created. In addition to the existing apartments, 6 new 2-room apartments have been created. 14 apartments with 3 rooms and 12 4-room apartments were additionally built. Investments were also made in larger accommodation: 12 5-room apartments were built, providing lots of room for families; 2 apartments with at least 6 rooms were also constructed.

Housing stock

The new construction has contributed to an additional increase in the housing stock, and there are now 2,750 apartments in Vex. The number of 1-room apartments totals 409. In terms of medium-sized to large apartments, the housing supply includes 487 apartments with 2 rooms, 699 3-room apartments and 548 with 4 rooms. The 5-room apartments also comprise a total of 337 properties, while the apartments with at least 6 rooms account for 270.

Vacant apartments

The rate of apartment vacancies in Vex is 2.84%. Of this total, 0.98% of 1-room apartments, 2.67% of apartments with 2 rooms, 2.44% of apartments with 3 rooms, 2.19% of apartments with 4 rooms and 2.38% of apartments with 5 rooms are currently unoccupied. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 5.28%; 8.89% of those empty properties are apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

Rental properties are available at an average price of CHF 1,130 per month. A quarter of rents are less than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 900 (25th percentile). Finally, 75% of monthly rents are cheaper than CHF 1,415, or are equal to this amount.