192 results - Apartment for rent in Thun

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CHF 2,920.– / month
2.5 rooms 150m² living space
Jungfraustrasse 26, 3600 Thun

Sanierte 2.5-Zi-Dach-Wohnung mit Galerie und Cheminée, 2.OG

An zentraler und sonniger Wohnlage vermieten wir in gepflegter Liegenschaft eine grosse (ca. 150 m2), sanierte 2.5-Zimmer-Dach-Wohnung mit Galerie und Cheminée im 2. OG:- verfügbar ab: nach Vereinbarung (Mietbeginn jeweils per 1. und 16. eines Monates möglich)- Erstbezug nach Sanierung von Küche und Bad- Balkon- Parkettböden: Korridor / Wohnen / Essen / Schlafräume / Galerie- Bodenplatten: Küche, Badezimmer, Duschraum und sep. WC- offene Küche mit Glaskeramik-Kochfeld, hochliegendem Backofen, Geschirrspüler und Arbeits-/Abstellflächen in Granit sowie Fenster- Badezimmer mit Badewanne, Doppellavabo und Wandplatten Raum hoch- sep. WC mit Lavabo und Wandplatten Raum hoch- EinbauschränkeGALERIE:- Cheminée, Täferdecken und Dachflächenfenster- Dusche, Lavabo und WC - Réduit - eigene Waschküche / Tröckneraum (Waschmaschine / Wäscheleinen) im UG- Kellerabteil- kein Lift- grosser Spielplatz- Haustiere: erlaubt sind sog. "Stubenkatzen" (keine Katzen, welche nach draussen gehen, sowie keine Hunde)- Einstellhallenplatz (CHF 90.00/Monat) kann dazu gemietet werden (direkter Zugang in die Liegenschaft)BETEILIGUNG AN UMZUGSKOSTENBei einem Vertragsabschluss übernehmen wir die Reinigungskosten Ihrer bisherigen Wohnung bis zu einem Maximalbetrag von CHF 1'000.00.Das Reinigungsinstitut gewährleistet eine Abgabegarantie. Der Auftrag wird durch die Berimag AG erteilt.

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Additional information


The number of residents in Thun has grown to 43,670 over the last 3 years. This is equivalent to an increase of 0.09%.

Population data

Average income is CHF 65,670. In the region, 13.22% of the population have a university degree, 18.22% of residents have completed higher vocational training, 49.84% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 18.73% are currently enrolled in compulsory education. According to the data, this is an area with high social standards and an educated population. The unemployment rate is 0.77%.


The tax rate in the region is 15.73%. Income, marital status and deductions are among the aspects that affect the actual tax burden. In Thun, the tax burden for unmarried people with no children is 20.37%. A retired, married couple (over 65) pays an average of 19.6%, a married couple with two children 10.95% and a couple without children 15%.

Summary of the property market

New builds

Additional living space has been created in Thun in the past 5 years. For instance, 390 new apartments have been constructed. 11 of the newly built apartments are 1-room apartments, which are ideal for singles. Along with the existing apartments, 36 new 2-room apartments have been created. A total of 131 new 3-room apartments and 141 4-room apartments were built. For people seeking more living space, 49 5-room apartments and 22 apartments with at least 6 rooms have been built.

Housing stock

Newly built dwellings have additionally expanded the pool of available housing in the area, so that there are now a total of 23,729 apartments in Thun. The number of 1-room apartments in the total housing supply is 1,248. In addition, there are 3,153 apartments with 2 rooms, 8,044 apartments with 3 rooms and 7,826 apartments with 4 rooms. In total, there are 2,495 5-room apartments and 963 large apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Vacant apartments

The percentage of vacant apartments in Thun is 0.09%. This means that 0.16% of the 1-room apartments, 0.16% of all apartments with 2 rooms, 0.09% of the apartments with 3 rooms, 0.09% of 4-room apartments and 0.04% of 5-room apartments are unoccupied. The rate of vacancy for apartments with 6 rooms is 0%.

Housing market (letting only)

Rent prices for rental properties are, on average, around CHF 1,540 per month. Consequently, 25% of all rents on offer are lower than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 1,310 (25th percentile). 75% of monthly rents are less than CHF 1,800 (75th percentile), or they are equivalent to this average price.