22 results - Apartment for rent in Rüti ZH

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CHF 3,200.– / month
6.5 rooms 180m² living space
Im Gubel 2, 8630 Rüti ZH

Modern ausgebaute und helle 6.5 Zimmer Wohnung

Per 1.11. oder nach Vereinbarung wird eine sehr schöne, doppelstöckige Maisonettewohnung mit schönem weiten Ausblick über die Stadt Rüti vermietet. Die Wohnung verfügt über: Ein helles und sonniges Wohn-/ Esszimmer mit Cheminée und Parkett. Einem grossen Süd-Balkon im unteren Stockwerk (mit Zugang aus drei Zimmern dazu) und einem kleineren Balkon auf dem oberen Stockwerk. 3 Kinderzimmer (respektive Büros); Zwei Zimmer mit Parkett und eines noch mit Teppich. Auf dem oberen Stockwerk hat es ein riesengrosses Zimmer (vormals waren es zwei Zimmer) mit charmantem Balkon (West) mit Ausblick in die Glarner Alpen. 3 Nasszellen: 1 WC mit Lavabo und Waschmaschine und Tumbler, 1 grosses Badezimmer mit Badewanne und Lavabo und 1 Dusche mit WC und Lavabo auf dem oberen Stockwerk. Offene Küche (in weiss) mit Geschirrspüler, Glaskeramik-Herd und Microwelle. Freundliche Nachbarschaft. In der Überbauung stehen drei Kinderspielplätze zur Verfügung. Nur 10 Gehminuten bis zum Bahnhof Rüti mit direktem Anschluss nach Zürich. Nur 5 Gehminuten zum Tenniscenter Rüti und weitere 5 Gehminuten bis zum Wald. Tierhaltung erlaubt. Kellerabteil vorhanden. Direkter Zugang zur Tiefgarage. Auf Wunsch kann ein Einstellplatz in der Tiefgarage zu CHF 120.00 pro Monat gemietet werden Für einen Besichtigungstermin stehen Ihnen die aktuellen Mieter, Fam. Gerber, gerne zur Verfügung. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Anruf auf 079 740 40 37.

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Additional information


Rüti (ZH) has grown by 3.38% over the last 3 years and currently has 12,701 inhabitants.

Demographic data

The average yearly income is CHF 67,965. Of the population, 12.44% have a university degree, 16.2% have completed higher vocational training, 46.6% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 24.76% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling. As a result, the residential area has high social standards. The unemployment rate currently stands at 1.08%.


The tax rate in the area is 11.02%. Income, marital status and deductions are among the aspects that impact the actual tax burden. In Rüti (ZH), the tax burden is 15.42% for a childless, single person. On average, a retired couple (over 65) pay 14.35%, a married couple with two children 6.82% and a couple with no children 10.01%.

The overall property market

New buildings

In the past 5 years, 377 apartments have been built in Rüti (ZH). Of these new apartments, a total of 9 apartments have exactly one room. The total number of newly constructed 2-room apartments is 78. For families trying to find a new place to live, the 129 apartments and the 110 4-room apartments are particularly attractive. Funds were also invested in more spacious accommodation: 46 5-room apartments were constructed, providing lots of living space; 5 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms were also created.

Housing stock

Newly constructed dwellings have additionally increased the housing stock in the region, so that there are now a total of 6,112 apartments in Rüti (ZH). One-room properties make up a total of 270 apartments in the region. There are also 818 apartments with 2 rooms, 1,715 apartments with 3 rooms and 1,858 apartments with 4 rooms. The stock of larger properties with 5 rooms includes 931 apartments, and there are 520 apartments with 6 rooms or more.

Unoccupied apartments

There is a 0.53% vacancy rate in Rüti (ZH). Of this total, 0.37% of 1-room apartments, 0.98% of all 2-room apartments, 0.35% of 3-room apartments, 0.43% of the 4-room apartments and 0.54% of the 5-room apartments are presently empty. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 0.62%; 0.77% of this value refers to apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

The average rent for flats in the area is CHF 1,580. 25% of the rents on the market are lower than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,369 (25th percentile). Additionally, 75% of all monthly rents are less than or equal to CHF 1,907.