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Möriken-Wildegg is a very popular place to live. In the past 3 years, the population has risen to 4,676, which equates to a population increase of 3.96%.


Average income is CHF 79,195. 13.8% of the population have a university degree, 19.75% have a higher vocational training qualification, 45.26% of the population have a school-leaving certificate or have completed a vocational apprenticeship, 21.19% of residents have completed compulsory schooling and 0.03% of the population did not specify their highest educational qualification. The residential area has high social standards and an educated population. Around 1.26% of the population is presently unemployed.


The total tax rate in the region is 11.16%. The actual amount of tax individuals pay depends on a range of factors, including specific income, marital status and the total amount of deductions. In Möriken-Wildegg, for instance, a retired couple (over 65) pays an average of 13.85% tax, a couple with two children 7.59% and a couple with no children 10.05%. The rate of taxation for a childless, single person is 15.54%.

The property market overall

New construction

Over the last 5 years, 120 new apartments have been constructed in Möriken-Wildegg. A total of 6 1-room apartments have been built. In addition to apartments that had already been built, 24 new 2-room apartments have been created. For families searching for a new place to live, the 35 apartments and the 37 4-room apartments are ideal. The housing stock available in the area was also expanded to include 12 5-room apartments and 6 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing stock

The new buildings have contributed to an additional increase in the housing stock, and there are now 2,206 apartments in Möriken-Wildegg. There are a total of 47 1-room apartments available in the region. The total number of properties comes to 189 apartments with 2 rooms, 476 apartments with 3 rooms and 623 apartments with 4 rooms. A total of 521 5-room apartments and 350 spacious apartments with 6 or more rooms are also available in the region.

Empty apartments

The rate of uninhabited apartments in Möriken-Wildegg is 1.05%. This means that 2.13% of the 1-room apartments, 1.07% of apartments with 2 rooms, 1.06% of the apartments with 3 rooms, 1.13% of 4-room apartments and 1.16% of all 5-room apartments are currently empty. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 0.93%; 0.58% of those vacant properties are apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Housing market (rental only)

Rental properties are offered at an average rent of CHF 1,545 per month. A quarter of all available rents are cheaper than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,331 (25th percentile). Monthly rents are below CHF 1,850 (75th percentile), or they are equal to this average price.