4 results - Apartment for rent in Mammern

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Additional information


Mammern has recorded population growth of 5.16%, to 693 inhabitants, in the last 3 years.

Population statistics

The average yearly income is CHF 85,560. 44.14% of the population have an SEK II qualification, and 19.6% have a higher vocational training qualification. 18.32% are university graduates and 17.95% of residents are currently completing compulsory education. At the time of reporting, 0.87% of the population is unemployed.


The tax rate for the area is 11.16%. It differs from person to person and is based on aspects such as current income, marital status and the total amount of deductions. In Mammern, the tax rate for single people with no children is 15.37%. A retired, married couple (over 65) pays an average of 14.09%, a married couple with two children 7.4% and a couple with no children 10.34%.

The property market in general

New builds

Mammern has registered the construction of 31 new apartments over the past 5 years. 3 of the new builds have 2 rooms. Additionally, 7 apartments with 4 rooms have been created. Furthermore, the number of large apartments available amounts to 17 5-room apartments and 4 apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Housing stock

As a result of the construction of new dwellings, the housing stock in Mammern has increased, and there are now a total of 418 apartments. The overall number of 1-room apartments is 34. In addition, there are 68 apartments with 2 rooms, 69 apartments with 3 rooms and 83 4-room apartments. Finally, the supply of 5-room properties includes 92 apartments, and there are also 72 large apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Empty apartments

There is a 0.98% vacancy rate in Mammern. Of this total, 3.03% of the apartments with 2 rooms, 1.49% of the 3-room apartments and 1.23% of apartments with 4 rooms are empty at present.

Property market (letting only)

Rental properties are offered at an average price of CHF 1,500 per month. 25% of all rents on offer are below a monthly rent of CHF 1,327, or they are equal to this amount (25th percentile). 75% of monthly rents are cheaper than CHF 1,805 (75th percentile), or they are equivalent to this average price.