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CHF 1,390.– / month
1.5 rooms 24m² living space
Champs-Neufs, 1920 Martigny

Votre futur logement au cur des Alpes valaisannes !

Plus que 1 appartement de 1.5 pièces (n° 206)Toutes les informations sous: www.champsneufs.chCes logements sont aménagés dans un complexe résidentiel récent partiellement rénové en 2020 avec des matériaux modernes de qualité.Dans un quartier calme bordant la Drance, ils sont situés à proximité de toutes commodités telles Centres Migros Quartz et Coop Cristal, à deux pas de la gare et à 2 minutes des accès autoroutiers.Tous les logements jouissent d'une belle luminosité et de vastes espaces de vie donnant accès à de grands balcons/terrasses avec vue dégagée sur les montagnes et les vignobles alentours.Les cuisines sont entièrement aménagées et s'ouvrent sur un beau séjour avec coin à manger. Les salles d'eau quant-à-elle sont contemporaines et disposent d'une colonne de lavage-séchage.Exemple de distribution des 1.5 pièces de 24 m2- 1 vaste séjour donnant accès au balcon/terrasse de 17 m2,- 1 cuisine entièrement agencée ouverte sur un coin à manger,- 1 chambre à coucher,- 1 salle de douche/WC/lavabo avec colonne de lavage-séchage,- 1 cave à bien plaire,- Places de parc disponibles en sus : extérieures à CHF 50.00/mois et couvertes à CHF 80.00/mois.Martigny et sa région:Martigny, une ville au cur des Alpes valaisannes, carrefour de la France et de l'Italie, cette région vous offrira toute l'année une offre culturelle riche et variée, un climat doux et une large palette d'activités été comme hiver.Entourée de vignobles et darbres fruitiers, lart de vivre de cette région se découvre aussi dans l'assiette avec ses produits du terroir.

Additional information


The number of inhabitants in Monthey has risen to 18,446 in the past 3 years. This is an increase of 3.08%.

Population data

On average, people earn CHF 61,895 annually. 14.43% of residents hold a university degree, 7.48% have completed higher vocational education and 45.33% have an SEK II qualification. Additionally, 32.75% of residents are currently attending school. The residential area is prestigious thanks to its high social standards and educated population. Approximately 1.75% of the population is presently unemployed.


The region has an overall tax burden of 13.07%. The actual proportion of tax paid varies from person to person and is based on aspects such as current income, marital status, the overall level of deductions and so on. In Monthey, for instance, a married couple on a pension (over 65) pays an average of 17.64% tax, a married couple with two children 6.85% and a couple with no children 11.88%. The tax rate for an unmarried person without children is 20.05%.

The property market in general

New construction

Over the last 5 years, 796 apartments have been created in Monthey. Of these new apartments, a total of 66 apartments have exactly one room. The number of new 2-room apartments is 249. In addition, 210 3-room apartments and 191 4-room apartments have been constructed. 51 apartments with 5 rooms and 29 apartments with 6 or more rooms have been added to the supply on the housing market.

Housing stock

Due to new construction, the housing stock in Monthey has grown, and there are now a total of 9,489 apartments. The total number of 1-room apartments amounts to 688. The total number of properties amounts to 1,376 apartments with 2 rooms, 3,001 apartments with 3 rooms and 2,976 apartments with 4 rooms. Finally, 997 5-room apartments and 451 spacious apartments with 6 or more rooms are available in the area.

Unoccupied apartments

The vacancy rate in Monthey is 0.37%. This means that 0.58% of the 1-room apartments, 0.29% of apartments with 2 rooms, 0.57% of all 3-room apartments, 0.24% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 0.2% of apartments with 5 rooms are currently empty. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 0.21%; of that number, 0.22% are apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Housing market (rental only)

Rental properties are offered at an average rent of CHF 1,398 per month. A quarter of rents are cheaper than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,150 (25th percentile). 75% of monthly rents are less than CHF 1,642 (75th percentile), or they are equal to this average price.