261 results - Apartment for rent in Lausanne

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CHF 4,140.– / month
4.5 rooms 130m² living space
Rue Voltaire 2, 1006 Lausanne

Appartement haut standing meublé en sous-location

Appartement 4.5 pièces situé Sous-Gare Location court terme de mars à juillet 2024Nous sous-louons notre magnifique appartement en mars 2024 pour 4 mois : très moderne, meublé avec goût et tout équipé.Un appartement lumineux de 130m2 dans le quartier parfaitement situé de Sous-Gare : à seulement 5min de la gare de Lausanne à pied, 10min du lac, et 3min de la ligne de métro M2. Le Parc de Milan se trouve juste au coin de la rue.Loyer mensuel : 3130 CHF tout meublé et équipé, wifi et électricité inclus.Pour en savoir davantage sur l'appartement: - Entrée avec placards- Grande pièce à vivre de 50m2 avec une cuisine ouverte (grand îlot, machine à laver), espace salle à manger et salon, espace bureau- Balcon- 2 grandes chambres (15m2)- 1 salle de bain avec baignoire et toilettes - 1 toilette pour les invités avec meuble de rangement et lavaboL'appartement est parfait pour travailler à domicile avec 2 bureaux dans des pièces séparées. Laverie dans l'immeuble, garage à vélos et à poussettes au rez-de-chaussée. L'appartement est disponible au 10 mars, la date exacte peut être discutée.------------------------Beautiful furnished 4.5 flat in Lausanne, Sous-Gare to subletWe sub-let our beautiful flat in March 2024 for 4 months: modern, furnished and all equipped with 2 bedrooms and a balcony. A 130m2 light-filled flat in the perfectly located Sous-Gare neighborhood : 5min from Lausanne train station, 10min from the lake, and 3min from the M2 metro line. The lovely Parc de Milan is just around the corner.Monthly Rent : 3130 CHF furnished & all equipped, including wifi & electricityA little bit more about the flat: - Hallway with cupboards- Large main room with open kitchen (big island, washing machine), dining area and living room - Balcony- 2 big bedrooms (15m2)- 1 bathroom with bath and toilets - 1 guest toilets The flat is perfect for working from home with 2 desks in separate rooms Laundry in the building, bike and stroller storage in the ground floor. The flat is available beginning of March, exact date can be discussed.

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Additional information


The number of residents in Lausanne has grown by 1.44% over the past 3 years, to 141,418 inhabitants.

Demographic data

On average, residents earn CHF 73,560 per year. 31.3% of the population have an SEK II qualification, and 6.78% have a higher vocational education qualification. 36.24% are university graduates and 25.68% of residents are currently in compulsory schooling. The unemployment rate is 2.35%.


The area has an overall rate of taxation of 15.16%. The actual percentage of tax paid varies from person to person and is based on aspects including current income, marital status, the amount of deductions and so on. In Lausanne, the tax rate for childless, single individuals is 20.84%. A married couple on a pension (over 65) pays an average of 19.32%, a married couple with two children 9.67% and a couple with no children 13.65%.

The property market in general

New builds

Over the last 5 years, 2,645 new apartments have been created in Lausanne. Of these new builds, 440 are 1-room apartments, which are perfect for singles. A total of 618 new 2-room apartments have also been constructed. For families trying to find new living space, the 939 apartments and the 547 4-room apartments are particularly attractive. 79 apartments with 5 rooms and 22 apartments with 6 or more rooms have been added to the local housing stock.

Housing stock

The new buildings have contributed to a further expansion of the housing stock, and there are now 80,756 apartments in Lausanne. The overall number of 1-room apartments amounts to 12,309. Additionally, there are 21,907 apartments with 2 rooms, 25,963 apartments with 3 rooms and 13,233 apartments with 4 rooms. In total, there are 4,754 5-room apartments and 2,590 large apartments with 6 or more rooms.

Empty apartments

0.52% of apartments in Lausanne are vacant. Consequently, 0.86% of the 1-room apartments, 0.5% of the apartments with 2 rooms, 0.45% of all 3-room apartments, 0.45% of the apartments with 4 rooms and 0.28% of apartments with 5 rooms are presently unoccupied. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 0.38%; of that figure, 0.58% are apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Housing market (letting only)

On average, the rent price for rental properties is CHF 1,620 per month. In terms of the rents on offer, a quarter of them are equivalent to or less than a monthly rent of CHF 1,300. Monthly rents are less than CHF 2,000 (75th percentile), or they are equal to this average price.