30 results - Apartment for rent in Küsnacht ZH

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CHF 11,470.– / month
5.5 rooms 200m² living space
Allmendboden, 8700 Küsnacht ZH

Exklusive Luxuswohnung - Top Ausbaustandard - Mitten in der Natur

Zu vermieten eine sehr exklusive Luxuswohnung, mitten in der Natur an erhöhter Lage in Küsnacht. Vom Garten hat man einen privaten Zugang zum Wald. Sie hören das leise sickern des idyllischen Bachs durchs Tobel - diese 'Stille' ist in der heute allseits gestressten Zeit 'Erholung und Luxus' pur! Man ist Stadtnah und doch mit der Natur verbunden. Die Wohnung verfügt über einen sehr hohen Innenausbau mit hochwertigen Materialien im Eigentumswohnung Standard. - grosser Sitzplatz, Gartennutzung ausschliesslich für diese Wohnung - Designer Küche der deutschen Marke 'next125' - Induktionskochfeld, Steamer, Backofen, Geschirrspüler der Marke Siemens - elegantes Farbkonzept in der ganzen Wohnung durchgezogen - Master Bedroom mit begehbarer Ankleide 'walk-in closet' und Durchgang zu Master Bathroom - 'Suite Style' - sämtliche Armaturen in den Nasszellen Villeroy & Boch - Master Bathroom mit Balena Dusch-WC - Böden und Wände in Nasszellen schwarzer Schieferstein - Eichenparkett geölt in der ganzen Wohnung - Moskito Netz in allen Schlafräumen und in Master Bathroom - Einbauschränke - Alarmanlage - top hightech TV/Radio, DVD, iPod- und Lichtkonzept mit integrierten Bose Lautsprechern in Wohnzimmer/Master Bathroom/Master Bedroom (kann nach Wunsch/Bedarf übernommen werden) - grosser Keller-, Wirtschaftsraum mit Einbauschränken und Storage - eigene Waschmaschine/Tumbler Parkplatz in Tiefgarage kann für CHF 190.-- pro Monat dazu gemietet werden. Die Wohnung ist ab 1. Januar 2011 oder nach Vereinbarung verfügbar. Sie kann möbiliert oder unmöbiliert übernommen werden. Für einen Besichtigungstermin melden Sie sich bitte via Kontaktformular/Email.

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Additional information


The population of Küsnacht (ZH) has risen to 14,833 in the last 3 years. This amounts to an increase of 1.85%.


Average income is CHF 191,915. 32.65% of the population have an SEK II qualification, and 13.26% have a higher vocational training qualification. 41.38% are university graduates and 12.71% of residents are currently completing compulsory schooling. At the time of reporting, 0.73% of the population is unemployed.


The tax rate for the region is 9.23%. It varies from person to person and is based on aspects including actual income, marital status and the total amount of deductions. In Küsnacht (ZH), for example, a married couple on a pension (over 65) pays an average of 12.1% tax, a couple with two children 5.65% and a couple with no children 8.34%. The tax rate for an unmarried person with no children is 12.95%.

The property market in general

New buildings

The housing available in Küsnacht (ZH) has increased by 311 apartments over the past 5 years. 4 of the newly built apartments are 1-room apartments, which are ideal for singles. The total amount of newly built 2-room apartments is 38. 95 new apartments with 3 rooms and 119 apartments with 4 rooms were additionally constructed in the area. Additionally, there are 25 5-room apartments and 30 apartments with at least 6 rooms to choose from.

Housing stock

The new buildings have created further living space in the area. There are a total of 7,493 apartments in Küsnacht (ZH). One-room properties comprise a total of 405 apartments in the region. In addition, there are 891 apartments with 2 rooms, 1,647 apartments with 3 rooms and 2,095 4-room apartments. The 5-room apartments also make up a total of 1,166 properties, while the apartments with at least 6 rooms account for 1,289.

Empty apartments

There is a 1.17% vacancy rate in Küsnacht (ZH). Of this total, 1.24% of 1-room apartments, 0.9% of all 2-room apartments, 1.52% of the apartments with 3 rooms, 1.58% of 4-room apartments and 0.95% of 5-room apartments are empty. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 0.65%; 0.39% of this value refers to apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Housing market (letting only)

Rental properties are offered at an average price of CHF 2,393 per month. 25% of all rents on the market are below a monthly rent of CHF 1,850, or they are equivalent to this amount (25th percentile). Finally, 75% of monthly rents are lower than CHF 3,077, or are equal to this amount.