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Having decreased by 9.38%, the population in Kammersrohr has fallen to 29 over the last 3 years.

Population data

The average yearly income level is CHF 130,780. Approximately 17.24% of the population is currently unemployed.


Overall, the tax percentage in the area is 11.25%. The individual share of tax actually paid will vary and is determined by factors including actual income, marital status, the amount of deductions and so on. The tax rate for a single person with no children in Kammersrohr is 15.55%. A married couple on a pension (over 65) pays an average of 14.19%, a couple with two children 7.41% and a couple without children 10.62%.

The overall property market

New buildings

Kammersrohr has recorded the construction of 2 new apartments in the past 5 years. One of the newly constructed dwellings is a 3-room apartment. A new apartment with at least 6 rooms was also added to the pool of housing available in the region.

Housing stock

Kammersrohr now has a total of 16 apartments, following additional expansion of the housing stock thanks to the construction of new dwellings. Along with the 5 apartments with 3 rooms, you find 1 apartment with 4 rooms. The supply of larger properties with 5 rooms comprises 1 apartment, and there are 9 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.