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Having decreased by 6.44%, the population in Gurbrü has fallen to 247 in the past 3 years.

Demographic data

The average annual income is CHF 66,265. 0% of the population have a university degree, 21.09% have a higher vocational training qualification, 40% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship), 28.73% are enrolled in compulsory schooling and 12.07% of the population provided no information on their highest level of education. Around 2.02% of the population is currently unemployed.


The overall tax percentage is 16.53%. This varies on an individual basis and is based on income, marital status and the amount of deductions, among other factors. In Gurbrü, the rate of taxation is 21.38% for an unmarried person without children. On average, a married couple on a pension (over 65) pay 20.57%, a married couple with two children 11.54% and a childless couple 15.79%.

The overall property market

New construction

Over the last 5 years, 1 apartment has been built in Gurbrü. The area gained one apartment with 4 rooms.

Housing stock

Gurbrü now has a total of 129 apartments, following additional expansion of the housing stock as a result of the construction of new dwellings. A total of 3 1-room apartments are available on the market. Additionally, there are 10 apartments with 2 rooms, 30 apartments with 3 rooms and 42 apartments with 4 rooms. Finally, the stock of 5-room properties comprises 31 apartments, and there are also 13 large apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

The average rent for a flat in the region is CHF 1,600. 25% of the rents on offer are cheaper than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 1,480 (25th percentile). And 75% of monthly rents are less than or equivalent to CHF 2,100 (75th percentile).