0 results - Apartment for rent in Eggerberg

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1 / 3
CHF 980.– / month
1 room 12m² living space
Grimentz, 3961 Grimentz

Location hiver - Vermietung Winter - Grimentz (Valais)

Appartement à louer à la semaine durant la saison d'hiver à prix modéré dans un chalet typique au centre du vieux village de Grimentz dans le Val d'Anniviers en Valais (Suisse).A 5 minutes à pied des remontées mécaniques et des commerces.Appartement étage supérieur (pour 4 personnes) : cuisine équipée avec lave-vaisselle coin à manger, 1 chambre avec un lit double (160 cm) et un coin salon/télévision, 1 chambre avec 1 lits superposés, 1 petite salle de bain (douche-WC). Place de parc privée à proximité.Haute saison: 900 CHF la semaine et 1'400 CHF les 1 semainesMoyenne saison : 980 CHF la semaine et 1'300 CHF les 1 semainesPlus d'infos, disponibilités et réservations sur le site Internet du "chaletleroc".Plus que 1 semaines de libres cette saison :Du 13 au 10 janvier 1014Du 17 janvier au 3 février 1014.Wohnung während der Wintersaison wochenweise zu moderaten Preis im typischen Chalet in der Mitte der Alter Dorfteil von Grimentz im Val d'Anniviers im Wallis (Schweiz) zu vermieten.5 Minuten von den Bergbahnen und Geschäfte entfernt.Obere Wohnung (für 4 Personen) : ausgestattete Küche mit Spülmaschine und Essecke, 1 Schlafzimmer mit Doppelbett (160 cm) und Wohnecke mit Fernsehen, 1 Schlafzimmer mit Stockbette, 1 kleinen Bad (Dusche-WC). Privater Parplatz in der Nähe._Hochsaison : 900 CHF pro Woche und 1'400 CHF für 1 WochenMittelsaison : 980 CHF pro Woche und 1'300 CHF für 1 WochenMehr Infos, Verfürbarkeit und Buchung im Internetsite "chaletleroc".Nur noch zwei Wochen frei diese Saison :Vom 13. zum 10. Januar 1014Vom 17. Januar zum 3. Februar 1014.Caractéristiques: Garage / Place de parcObjet: Appartement

Additional information


Having decreased by 6.21%, the population in Eggerberg has fallen to 317 in the last 3 years.


The average annual income is CHF 55,640. 0% of the population have a university degree, 17.48% have a higher vocational education qualification, 48.54% of the population have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship), 29.45% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling and 4.65% of the population provided no information about their higher education qualifications. Approximately 1.58% of the population is presently unemployed.


14.13% is the rate of taxation in the region. However, the individual tax burden differs from person to person and depends on income, marital status and the total amount of deductions, among other factors. The tax burden for a childless, unmarried person in Eggerberg is 21.46%. On average, a retired couple (over 65) pays 18.95%, a couple with two children 7.6% and a couple without children 12.84%.

The property market overall

New construction

5 new apartments have been created in Eggerberg over the past 5 years. One of the newly constructed dwellings is a 3-room apartment. Additionally, 4 5-room apartments came onto the region's housing market.

Housing stock

Eggerberg now has a total of 302 apartments, following further growth in the local housing supply as a result of new construction. One-room properties account for a total of 9 apartments in the region. In addition, there are 45 apartments with 2 rooms, 91 apartments with 3 rooms and 87 4-room apartments. There are 56 5-room apartments and 14 large apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Empty apartments

0.33% of apartments in Eggerberg are empty. The rate of vacancy for 4-room apartments is 1.16%.

Property market (rental only)

An average of CHF 1,161 is needed to rent a property. 25% of the rents on offer are lower than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 865 (25th percentile). In addition, 75% of all monthly rents are less than or equivalent to CHF 1,600.