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The number of residents in Arni (AG) has grown by 0.96% in the last 3 years, to 1,886 inhabitants.

Demographic data

The average income here is CHF 97,335. 22.75% of the population are university graduates, 20.01% have a higher vocational training qualification, 44.06% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship) and 13.18% are currently enrolled in compulsory education. At the time of reporting, 0.53% of the population is unemployed.


The tax percentage in the region is 10.68%. Income, marital status and deductions are among the factors that influence the actual tax burden. In Arni (AG), unmarried people with no children pay an average of 14.88% tax, a married couple on a pension pays 13.28%, a couple with two children pays 7.24% and a couple with no children pays 9.6%.

The property market in general

New construction

5 new apartments have been built in Arni (AG) in the past 5 years. One additional 3-room apartment was constructed. 3 5-room apartments and one 6+ room apartment were also newly built.

Housing stock

The new builds have created further living space in the area. There are a total of 809 apartments in Arni (AG). There are a total of 13 1-room apartments available in the region. In terms of medium-sized to large apartments, the housing stock includes 36 apartments with 2 rooms, 128 3-room apartments, 240 4-room apartments, 249 5-room apartments, and 143 large apartments with 6 or more rooms.

Empty apartments

2.72% of apartments in Arni (AG) are vacant. Consequently, 76.92% of the 1-room apartments, 11.11% of all apartments with 2 rooms, 0.78% of all 3-room apartments, 1.25% of the apartments with 4 rooms, 1.2% of apartments with 5 rooms, and 0.7% of apartments with more than 6 rooms are currently unoccupied.

Property market (rental only)

The average rent for a flat in the region is CHF 1,942. 25% of all rents on offer are below a monthly rent of CHF 1,627, or they are equal to this amount (25th percentile). In addition, 75% of all monthly rents are less than or equivalent to CHF 2,191.