3 results - Apartment for rent in Ardon

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Ardon has grown by 8.23% in the past 3 years, to 3,564 inhabitants.


The average income is CHF 60,235. 15.33% of the population have a university degree, 8.75% have a higher vocational education qualification, 43.44% of the population have a school-leaving certificate or finished a vocational apprenticeship and 32.51% of residents are completing compulsory schooling. According to the data, this is a region with high social standards and an educated population. The unemployment rate currently stands at 1.8%.


The tax percentage in the area is 13.62%. Income, marital status and deductions are among the aspects that impact the actual tax burden. In Ardon, the tax rate for unmarried people with no children is 20.75%. A married couple on a pension (over 65) pays an average of 18.39%, a married couple with two children 7.21% and a childless couple 12.37%.

Summary of the property market

New builds

Over the last 5 years, 245 new apartments have been created in Ardon. Of these new apartments, a total of 21 apartments have exactly one room to live in. The number of new 2-room apartments totals 88. For families searching for a new place to live, the 51 apartments and the 64 4-room apartments are particularly attractive. Additionally, 20 5-room apartments and one apartment with a minimum of 6 rooms were added to the pool of local housing.

Housing stock

As a result of the construction of new dwellings, the amount of housing available in Ardon has increased, and there are now a total of 1,821 apartments. There are 115 1-room apartments available on the housing market. In addition, there are 296 apartments with 2 rooms, 429 apartments with 3 rooms and 569 4-room apartments. A total of 301 5-room apartments and 111 spacious apartments with 6 or more rooms are also available in the area.

Unoccupied apartments

There is a 1.28% vacancy rate in Ardon. 2.4% of the apartments with 2 rooms, 1.42% of the 3-room apartments, 0.71% of 4-room apartments and 0.34% of 5-room apartments are uninhabited. Apartments with more than 5 rooms have a vacancy rate of 1.47%; of that number, 4.55% are apartments with more than 6 rooms.

Property market (letting only)

The average rental price for flats in the region is CHF 1,250. A quarter of rents are lower than or equal to a monthly rent of CHF 1,000 (25th percentile). And 75% of monthly rents are cheaper than or equivalent to CHF 1,460 (75th percentile).