89 results - Apartment for rent in Allschwil

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CHF 2,170.– / month
4 rooms 84m² living space
Steinbühlallee 172, 4123 Allschwil

Suchen Sie ein stadtnahes Zuhause an ruhiger Lage?

Die LageIm schönen Allschwil werden Sie sich dank dem hohen Mass an Lebens- und Wohnqualität direkt wohlfühlen. Die Liegenschaft liegt direkt an der Grenze zu Basel in einer ruhigen Seitenstrasse und ist ideal für Jung und Alt. Diverse Einkaufsmöglichkeiten und Restaurants sind in Gehdistanz erreichbar. Hier wohnen Sie in einem ruhigen Quartier mit guter Anbindung an den ÖV und das Naherholungsgebiet.Ein Rundgang durch Ihre WohnungDer durchdachte Grundriss ermöglicht es Ihnen sich auf den 64m² individuell einzurichten. Der Parkettboden in den Zimmern, sorgt für das behagliche Wohnklima. Das Highlight ist der grosszügige Balkon, welcher zum Verweilen einlädt. Weiter punktet die Wohnung mit folgenden Vorzügen:- Küche mit Glaskeramikherd und Geschirrspüler- Bad mit Badewanne- Wohnbereich mit Parkett- und Plattenboden- Grosser Balkon- Hochparterre- Schöne Grünanlage zur MitbenutzungAnrufen. Besichtigen. Mieten.Freuen Sie sich auf ein ruhiges Zuhause? Dann vereinbaren Sie noch heute einen Termin zur Besichtigung.Laura Weick058 280 22 07laura.weick@helvetia.chAls Mieter von Helvetia profitieren Sie von 50% Rabatt auf Ihre erste Jahresprämie für ausgewählte Helvetia Versicherungsprodukte!Bei den publizierten Bildern handelt es sich um typenähnliche / typengleiche Wohnungen. Abweichungen zum effektiven Angebot sind deshalb möglich.Weitere interessante Mietobjekte finden Sie unter: www.helvetia.ch/immobilien.

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Additional information


Allschwil is a very attractive residential area. In the past 3 years, the number of inhabitants has grown to 21,654, which amounts to a population increase of 2.67%.

Population data

Average income is CHF 84,105. 24.56% of the population hold a university degree, 15.22% have a higher vocational education qualification, 42.7% of the population have a school-leaving certificate or have completed a vocational apprenticeship and 17.52% of residents are enrolled in compulsory schooling. The unemployment rate is 1.04%.


13.41% is the tax burden in the region. However, the individual tax burden varies from person to person and depends on income, marital status and the amount of deductions, among other factors. In Allschwil, for instance, a married couple on a pension (over 65) pays an average of 16.06% tax, a married couple with two children 9.14% and a couple without children 12.05%. The rate of taxation for a childless, single person is 19.51%.

The property market overall

New builds

In the last 5 years, 368 new apartments have been created in Allschwil. One-room apartments comprise 4 of the newly constructed apartments – an excellent option for singles. The number of new 2-room apartments is 77. What's more, 139 3-room apartments and 84 4-room apartments have been built. For people on the search for more living space, 48 5-room apartments and 16 apartments with at least 6 rooms have been constructed.

Housing stock

The new builds are contributing to the continued growth of the region's housing stock, which totals 11,263 apartments in Allschwil. As for 1-room apartments, a total of 355 properties are on the market. Additionally, there are 1,596 apartments with 2 rooms, 4,215 apartments with 3 rooms and 2,916 apartments with 4 rooms. Finally, 1,469 5-room apartments and 712 spacious apartments with 6 or more rooms are available in the area.

Empty apartments

In Allschwil, 1.02% of apartments are vacant. Of this figure, 1.13% of 1-room apartments, 0.88% of all 2-room apartments, 1.8% of the 3-room apartments, 0.51% of 4-room apartments and 0.27% of 5-room apartments are unoccupied. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 0.28%; 0.28% of those empty properties are apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Property market (rental only)

Rents for rental properties are, on average, around CHF 1,702 per month. In terms of the rents on offer, a quarter of them are equal to or lower than a monthly rent of CHF 1,478. In addition, 75% of all monthly rents are less than or equivalent to CHF 2,105.