22 results - Apartment for rent in Affoltern am Albis

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Additional information


The population of Affoltern am Albis has grown to 12,588. This is an increase of 2.32% over 3 years.

Demographic data

Average income totals CHF 74,870. The proportion of university graduates is 19.9%; 15.05% of residents have higher vocational training, and 43.51% have SEK II qualifications. Additionally, 21.55% of residents are currently completing compulsory schooling. Consequently, the area has high social standards. The unemployment rate is currently 1.14%.


Overall, the tax rate in the region is 11.22%. The individual percentage of tax actually paid varies and depends on aspects such as current income, marital status, the amount of deductions and so on. In Affoltern am Albis, single people without children pay an average of 15.7% tax, a married couple on a pension pays 14.6%, a couple with two children pays 6.96% and a couple with no children pays 10.2%.

The overall property market

New construction

The housing available in Affoltern am Albis has increased by 300 apartments in the past 5 years. 42 of these new apartments are 2-room apartments. A total of 100 new 3-room apartments and 128 4-room apartments were constructed. The new dwellings include 25 5-room apartments and 5 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing stock

Newly built dwellings have additionally expanded the pool of available housing in the area, so that there are now a total of 5,947 apartments in Affoltern am Albis. There are a total of 171 1-room apartments available in the region. There are also 793 apartments with 2 rooms, 1,722 apartments with 3 rooms and 1,900 4-room apartments. Finally, the stock of 5-room properties includes 913 apartments, and there are also 448 large apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Empty apartments

In Affoltern am Albis, 0.59% of apartments are uninhabited. Consequently, 0.59% of the 1-room apartments, 0.51% of all apartments with 2 rooms, 0.76% of the 3-room apartments, 0.48% of apartments with 4 rooms and 0.77% of the 5-room apartments are currently empty. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 0.23%; 0.23% of those unoccupied properties are apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Housing market (rental only)

The average rent price for rental properties is CHF 1,750 per month. 25% of the available rents are less than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,459 (25th percentile). 75% of monthly rents are cheaper than CHF 2,120 (75th percentile), or they are equal to this average price.