760 results - Apartment for rent in Canton Solothurn

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CHF 1,910.– / month
4 rooms 88m² living space
Konradstr. 33, Olten, 4600 Olten

4-Zimmerwohnung im Hammerquartier mit sanierter Küche!

Die Liegenschaft befindet sich in der Oltner Innenstadt, umgeben von verschiedenen Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, Restaurants und Bars, welche zu Fuss in wenigen Minuten erreichbar sind. Bushaltestellen und der Bahnhof befinden sich in unmittelbarer Nähe.Die Zentral gelegene 4-Zimmerwohnung im Oltner Hammerquartier verfügt über folgende Ausstattung:- Sanierte Küche mit Geschirrspüler, Glaskeramik sowie grossem Gefierfach - Bodenbelag Korridor Plattenboden- Bodenbelag Wohn- und Schlafzimmer: Parkettboden- Bodenbelag Eingangsbereich, Küche + Bad: Plattenboden- Badezimmer mit Badewanne- Gemeinschaftsbalkon- KellerabteilEin Einstellhallenparkplatz kann für CHF 150.00 monatlich dazu gemietet werden.Gerne vereinbaren wir mit Ihnen einen Besichtigungstermin: 062 289 00 00.Die Liegenschaft ist mit der Niederer Connecting-App ausgestattet. Dies bedeutet für Sie, dass Sie jederzeit und auf einfachem Weg mit uns in Verbindung treten können z.B. mit einer Schadenmeldung.Allgemeine Informationen zur Stadt Olten:Olten ist die grösste Stadt des Kantons Solothurn und zählt ungefähr 17'000 Einwohner. Olten ist als wichtiger Eisenbahnknotenpunkt eine typische Eisenbahnerstadt. Aus allen Richtungen treffen die Züge zur halben und vollen Stunde ein. So wird den Reisenden ein bequemes Umsteigen ermöglicht.Südlich der Stadt verläuft die Autobahn A1 von Zürich nach Bern, im Westen die Autobahn A2 durch den Belchen-Tunnel nach Basel. Der Busbetrieb Olten Gösgen Gäu (BOGG) unterhält ein dichtes Busnetz in Stadt und Umgebung.Links:www.olten.chwww.oltentourismus.ch

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Additional information


Over the last 3 years, the Canton Solothurn has seen its population grow by 2.60%, to 282,408.

Population data

The average income is CHF 70,385. 12.72% of the population have a university degree, 17.18% have a higher vocational training qualification, 48.26% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship), 21.65% are enrolled in compulsory schooling and 0.19% of the population did not specify their highest educational qualification. According to the data, this residential area has high social standards and an educated population. The current unemployment rate is 1.01%.


14.04% is the tax percentage in the region. However, the individual tax burden differs from person to person and is based on income, marital status and the total amount of deductions, among other factors. On average, a married couple on a pension pays 17.55% and a married couple with no children pays 13.34%. Married couples with two children pay an average of 9.37% and the tax rate for a single person with no children is 19.35%.

Summary of the property market

New builds

In the past 5 years, the quantity of newly built apartments in the Canton Solothurn has increased consistently. A total of 7,467 new apartments have been built. Of these new builds, 157 are 1-room apartments, which are ideal for people living alone. A total of 1,454 new 2-room apartments have also been created. With 2,195 new 3-room apartments and 2,117 4-room apartments, the region is particularly suitable for families. The housing stock available in the area was also expanded to include 1,070 5-room apartments and 474 apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Housing stock

The new buildings have contributed to the continued growth of the pool of housing available in the region; there are now 144,304 apartments in the Canton Solothurn. One-room properties comprise a total of 5,115 apartments in the area. The total number of properties comes to 15,010 apartments with 2 rooms, 35,869 apartments with 3 rooms and 42,733 apartments with 4 rooms. Finally, 28,490 5-room apartments and 17,087 spacious apartments with 6 or more rooms are available on the market.

Unoccupied apartments

2.39% of the total housing stock in the Canton Solothurn is vacant. This means that 3.79% of the 1-room apartments, 3.62% of apartments with 2 rooms, 3.49% of the 3-room apartments, 2.29% of apartments with 4 rooms and 1.16% of 5-room apartments are empty. The vacancy rate for apartments with more than 5 rooms is 1.07%; 0.92% of those unoccupied properties are apartments with at least 6 rooms.

Housing market (letting only)

Rents for rental properties are, on average, about CHF 1,364 per month. 25% of the rents on offer are less than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,150 (25th percentile). And 75% of monthly rents are lower than or equal to CHF 1,610 (75th percentile).