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"75,700 m² of tourist development land at the coast of Mirabello"

EUR 5’436’000.–

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72051 Vathi


EUR 5’436’000.–


Verfügbar ab:
Nach Vereinbarung
75700 m2


Large seafront building land at the coast of the picturesque Gulf of Mirabello, just a 5-minute drive south of the province capital Agios
Nikolaos, right next to the well-established luxury hotel "Daios Cove.
The land measures 75,700 m² and it has a shoreline of approx. 380 meters.
It is possible to build a hotel of up to 14,000 sq. meters plus basements, terraces, swimming pools, garden areas, parking spaces etc. on this land. This, combined with its advantageous and attractive location makes this land ideal for the development of a well-sized hotel resort.
The land has good road access and electricity, water and phone lines with broadband internet are nearby.
The nicest sandy beaches of the Mirabello Bay are in close proximity to this land (3-5 minutes by car). The province capital Agios Nikolaos is a 5-minute drive to the north.
The international airport of Heraklion is a 45-minute drive away.
Agios Nikolaos is the capital of the county Lasithi and is located at the Mirabello Bay, north-east Crete, only 45 mins away from the international airport of Heraklion.
Geographically the town is well protected from strong winds allowing sea sports and swimming nearly all year round.


Kontakt für Besichtigung

Herr Urs Grünenfelder


Casa Home Immobilien AG
Zürcherstrasse 73
8800 Thalwil

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