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"Hotel Villa San Giulio"

EUR 4’761’600.–

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12068 Narzole


EUR 4’761’600.–


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About the Bulding
Villa San Giulio is an historic neoclassic building, built in 1700 over the ruins of the ancient Castrum Lunellorum owned by the Lunello family from the earliest years XI century. The Hotel is immersed in a large enclosed park with the St. John the Baptist chapel (built in XIX century over another ancient chapel) inside the property land.
The mansion has been abandoned for decades until the recent restoration which has brought to a new life in 1999.
The hotel Villa San Giulio, is strategically located in the Langa area, close to the Fondovalle road, a few minutes drive from historic and gastronomic places such as Barolo, La Morra, Cherasco, Alba, Bra and Dogliani. Its easily reachable from the A6 highway and it has a 26 holes golf club nearby and different naturalistic routes among the vineyards.
Disabled access and large car park.
How to get there
From Milan: TO-PC highway A21 Asti Est exit, follow directions to Alba, Cherasco, Narzole From Turin: TO-SV highway A6 Marene exit, follow directions to Alba, Cherasco, Narzole From Mondovì: Fondovalle route Mondovì-Cherasco
Barolo 5 min., Cherasco 5 min., Monforte 10 min., Bra 10 min., Alba 15 min.
Technical data
Ground floor surface 595 m2
First floor surface 490 m2
Second floor surface 295 m² + 195 m² Terrace
Basement surface 200 m2
Property land used as park and parking 12500 m2


Kontakt für Besichtigung

Herr Urs Grünenfelder


Casa Home Immobilien AG
Zürcherstrasse 73
8800 Thalwil

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