• Freestanding 7-room property with a great garden in Arlesheim (1)
  • Freestanding 7-room property with a great garden in Arlesheim (2)
  • Freestanding 7-room property with a great garden in Arlesheim (8)
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"Freestanding 7-room property with a great garden in Arlesheim"

CHF 2’650’050.–
310 m2

Die passende Hypothek fürs neue Eigenheim finden.


CHF 2’650’050.–


Verfügbar ab:
Nach Vereinbarung
Anzahl Zimmer:
310 m2
400 m2
800 m2
1400 m3

Merkmale und Ausstattung

  • Balkon / Terrasse

  • Cheminée

  • Aussicht

  • Kinderfreundlich

  • Parkplatz


This generous property with large garden (700m²) is located in a very attractive south facing area next to the forest in Arlesheim. The calm but central position is great. Within a few minutes you can reach the public transportation (tram/bus) and the center of Arlesheim where you can find all kind of shopping facilities. The vicinity to Basel and to the International School (ISB) make this residential area even more attractive. Arlesheim is also known for its low tax system.

Behind the rather simple facade you will with the perfect property to modernize which offers a fantastic offer on space laid out on to several floors. This house is the perfect home for a large family who loves nature and who wants to modernize it as they wish. 7-rooms are laid out onto several levels and offer a very high living standard for every single family member. On the ground floor the attractive entry hall with separate guest-toilet leads you to the L-shaped dining area with fireplace. A sliding door divides this area from the cozy living room. From here you have direct access to the upper part of the garden with sitting corner and to the kitchen. A semi-level above you will find the multi-use room which offers enough space for an office or for a play room. The top floor consists of the bright parent`s bedroom which shares a balcony with a children´s bedroom. A large bathroom with shower and bath tub (accessible from the corridor and the parents? bedroom) and a separate toilet are nestled in this floor. The offer on space is completed with three additional rooms in the elevated basement level. These areas would be perfect for offices or teenagers.- Living and working could be perfectly combined. From here you have also direct access to the garden with its fantastic old trees. A bathroom and the general cellar rooms are here as well. For all kind of personal change request such as the renovation oft he kitchen and the bathroom and the change of the floors an amount of 150.000.- CHF has already been included in the purchase price. This amount could also be subtracted from the final price. This fact means that you would buy the house for 1.700.000.- CHF.


Vom Traumhaus zum Eigenheim: Der Hypothekenrechner kann dir helfen, die Tragbarkeit dieser Immobilie abzuschätzen.



Immoline-Basel AG
Immoline-Basel AG
Arnold Böcklin-Str. 31
4051 Basel


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